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Bitcoin will hit $100,000 USD before 2025. My prediction is Bitcoin BTC will spike above $100,000 USD (bull market rise) before 2025 as in before next year. After that, it will dip down (bear market) to around $50,000 as the new low until the next bull market. One of the reasons I was letting even criminals join my Discord Server in 2023 was I was trying to jump-start snowball domino butterfly effect momentum that would eventually stimulate drama debate controversy between haters & potential Heirs of Oatmeal; however, I probably failed. I'm guilty of trying to jump-start the Oatmeal car like an army of Frankenstein guinea-pig monsters that would scare the beetle juice out of Beetlejuice, I'm guilty of perhaps trying too hard many times in my life going back decades while spreading myself too thin and much more.

Oatmeal Pizza Gate. One of the reasons I encouraged people to make Oatmeal Parody Accounts in my Discord Server in 2023 was to archive and illustrate how easily my 500+ Lolcow Trolls can be fooled by each other pretending to be me as they're surface-level, I'm thinking long-term outside of time.

The prison in my Discord Server is full of 500 prisoners, the goal is to keep it full. Try to fill it up with anonymous sock puppet alt accounts, ghosts, spammers, scammers, criminals, weirdos, cat fish, and especially Lolcow Trolls like Chris Chan, Daniel Larson and goddamn Fish.

Video: Warner Bros Discovery Have 10 Days to Take Me To Court Over Dune 2.



Screenshot at 2024-03-06 23-30-04.png

Avatar: The Last Air Bender

Oatmeal Daily - 2024-03-06 - Wednesday | Published in March of 2024


In a world of lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

01:10 AM
Warner Bros Discovery Have 10 Days to Take Me To Court Over Dune 2

Ra Ra: Is this like when Ben Shapiro Dailywire removed your transformative fair use 2022 Gina Carano Terror On The Prairie film review which YouTube ended up restoring as Ben refused to take you to court even tho he can rap followed with YouTube terminating JoeyArnold7 without even a 3rd strike 3 months later even as that channel didn't violate community guidelines which followed with YouTube restoring JoeyArnoldVN in 2023 despite that channel being identical to the previous channel they suspended in 2022

2024-02-28 - Wednesday - 01:24 PM PST - I was making my video on that day, the 28th of February of 2024. The video was 3 minutes and 20 seconds long. Video included screenshots from Dune 2 but no audio or video from the movie. The video was uploaded probably an hour or less after that
Discovery of Warner Bros told YouTube to remove my video even as you can still find that same video on TikTok, Facebook, Rumble, Bitchute
First I got this, had to appeal the video like 3 times before it finally went through
Now they got ten days to take me to court over a fair use transformative review video that praised the film
Why they remove the video? It said and I quote: "Dune: Part Two: content found in: Custom thumbnail."
This was my custom thumbnail
Are they copyrighting thumbnails, screenshots, each isolated/individual frames from movies without allowing for fair use?
Wanna watch the banned video?
Let's watch some of the 3:20 minute-long video I made on Dune 2 which is still up on Facebook, TikTok, Rumble, Bitchute, because it didn't actually violate copyright, community guidelines, laws


INFOWARS BANNER - dUIaa.caa.1-Infowars-qoc09f.jpeg

Twitter Tweets

03:17 AM

My prediction is Bitcoin BTC will spike above $100,000 USD (bull market rise) before 2025 as in before next year. After that, it will dip down (bear market) to around $50,000 as the new low until the next bull market.

10:50 AM
First, the lips might scare me away. Second, I'd prefer no implants on the meat I want to smash. When men get horny, they are tempted to smash anything including perhaps objects. It's like shopping only when you are hungry. She looks like a duck, quack quack. 12:28 PM: Imagine if the Joker was in Alice in Wonderland.

Discord Drama

2024-03-06 - Wednesday - 12:50 AM - Discord Log

When I say remove roles, that can have 3 different meanings as roles can be removed from server settings, channel settings, and roles assigned to each account. My meaning above is the latter. 12:59 AM: Discord is a four-way intersection being the server setting everyone role, individual channel setting everyone roles, server setting roles, and individual channel setting roles. Depending on the setup, these four main variables can clash into each other like cars in a four-way highway intersection. So, first, you look at the everyone role in server settings. After that, you look at the everyone roles in individual channel settings & permissions. Third, you look at individual roles in the server settings. Fourth, you look at those same individual roles but this time in the channel settings. Fifth, you also want to look at the different roles assigned to individual accounts. So, in sense, there are five main steps in looking at/for issues, conflicts, clashes, problems. 11:50 AM: Oatmeal needs better websites, etc. Oatmeal should stop spoon-feeding his 500+ Discord Server Lolcow Ghost Troll Zombies who are more demented than Chris Chan & Daniel Larson combined. Oatmeal puts out these pinned messages which is probably read by less than five people on average making his time here counterproductive. Meaning Oatmeal should stop trying to persuade Wall-E Christopher M. Lafon Air Soft Fatty land whales from getting involved meaning the weirdos who are not reading this can continue doing whatever in this server as they ignore anything beyond surface-level regurgitation mania. Meaning Oatmeal is not gonna continue begging people to meet demands, to help him with millions of different projects as mentioned on his social media, blogs, videos, etc, etc, on all the websites and more. Perhaps if this was Oatmeal's last major message in this server, not even Roy would flicker like a Beetlejuice trying to juice up on legless dogs. It seems to me that many do ignore most of what I've been trying to say many times for many years. To get me back here (or whatever you want), all you got to do is study my content, videos, blogs, memes, photos, social media posts, GIFs, websites, articles, text, messages, etc, on all the websites, online, offline, so on and so forth. Just look at everything I put out there in order to figure out what I want. Like I've been trying to say what I want, what I'm working on, what I'm trying to do, what I do, all of that and more, on all the websites and everywhere else. Most of the 500+ accounts in this server are probably trolls, ghosts, alt accounts, anonymous weirdos, and combinations therein. Meaning most of them are not reading this. On top of that, the few that do read this will forget it in about five seconds. Heirs of Oatmeal, content creators, and cool people can take over this server. 01:03 PM: Oatmeal Pizza Gate. Some might think I Pizza Gate myself. Probably not Fish. But others may think I'm deflecting. Like 2016 Wiki Leaks exposed pedophiles, sex trafficking rings as mentioned in that Sound of Freedom movie. Pizza Gate tried discrediting real crimes. Some might think I did crime Some might say me living in the sun is a diversion distraction Especially as most never read past headlines stuck in parroting surface-level regurgitation. Some fell for the Oatmeal Fake News because they reflect deflect their own crimes onto people like me I'm your punching bag. Some lied about me. Some will always spread misinformation disinformation about me. Haters, trolls, fans, heirs, and others are welcome to continue to do whatever. If I banned all my haters from my own Discord Server, then I'd be creating a black market cult where they'd just talk about me underground in the secret tunnels of the Kiwi Farms. People are encouraged to continue doing whatever they do within reason. Heirs of Oatmeal and others will take over my servers, groups, social media, blogs, websites, companies, Bitcoin, content, communities, land, places, people, things, etc. You might be the only person reading this. See my blogs and everything else for more information on how to become Heirs of Oatmeal. Everyone else can continue ignoring me. Most of the people following me are not following me. Those who really do follow me should let me know. But many of my fake followers will also say they are following me as well. Meaning it is very hard for me to know the differences and levels between fake and real followers. Those who want to help me should just help me. Don't ask if you can help. Look at everything I do online/offline. Get involved or not. Most people here don't know me. I doubt you're any different. 02:09 PM: Bitcoin will hit $100,000 USD before 2025. 02:19 PM: One of the reasons I encouraged people to make Oatmeal Parody Accounts in my Discord Server in 2023 was to archive and illustrate how easily my 500+ Lolcow Trolls can be fooled by each other pretending to be me as they're surface-level, I'm thinking long-term outside of time. 02:38 PM: One of the reasons I was letting even criminals join my Discord Server in 2023 was I was trying to jump-start snowball domino butterfly effect momentum that would eventually stimulate drama debate controversy between haters & potential Heirs of Oatmeal; however, I probably failed. 02:53 PM: I'm guilty of trying to jump-start the Oatmeal car like an army of Frankenstein guinea-pig monsters that would scare the beetle juice out of Beetlejuice, I'm guilty of perhaps trying too hard many times in my life going back decades while spreading myself too thin and much more. 04:55 PM: I'm guilty of trying to resurrect my guinea pigs excessively, as in too aggressively, perhaps too many times, too often, during the course of my life, would try to force things to happen: one of my crimes is radical Infinite Altitude Bumbaloe Fonnie Filden Ironic Mystic impatience. 05:49 PM: The prison in my Discord Server is full of 500 prisoners, the goal is to keep it full. Try to fill it up with anonymous sock puppet alt accounts, ghosts, spammers, scammers, criminals, weirdos, cat fish, and especially Lolcow Trolls like Chris Chan, Daniel Larson and goddamn Fish. 06:17 PM: Only promote cool people, especially content creators or others. The @PRISON in my Discord Server is full of 500 victims or souls (keep it full), I mean criminals. If you can't vet anonymous accounts or if other things are slightly off about them, throw them in PRISON or else. 06:31 PM: Only promote the best people in my Discord Server, give them higher roles, everyone in my server can participate, my server has a prison full of 500 weirdos, lock up everyone who sucks who are not the very best, demote all the losers or anybody yeah, only promote the rising stars. You should probably be thrown in prison if you're not a super fan. Who wants to arrest John for blasphemy? You might be punished for promoting and demoting the wrong people. Over 500 ghosts haunt this server. 07:09 PM: There are almost 600 accounts in my Oatmeal Discord Server, notice how over 500 of those accounts in my server rarely ever say anything in this server because they're goddamn @GHOSTS who certainly belong in goddamn @PRISON or else, only free the best people, enslave everyone else. Over 500+ ghosts out of almost 600 accounts in this server, can you believe it? 11:48 PM: 500+ out of 500+ accounts in my Oatmeal Discord Server are in prison probably because those accounts might be ghosts, anonymous sock puppet alt accounts, criminals, weirdos, and/or Lolcow Trolls. Only the coolest people should be promoted. Simply demote everyone else to prison. Get off my server lawn you weirdos. This is why almost 100% of the 500+ accounts in this server is in goddamn prison. 11:50 PM: Everyone in @PRISON don't even care they're in @PRISON which is thus why they are in @PRISON. Almost 100% of the 500+ accounts in this server ghosted this server which is thus why they should stay in @PRISON.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

Bad Batch 305

2024-03-06 - Wednesday - 02:42 AM - Star Wars: Bad Batch 305

They gather intel on an ice planet at a base near a giant worm, they worked it out. Cross Wire finally confessed his regret. The savage said we all got that. We keep moving on so there may be hope for us yet.

Last Air Bender 106

2024-03-06 - Wednesday - 03:29 AM - Avatar: The Last Air Bender 106

Bender talks to a former bender. Girl gets him. Others capture the bender who could probably escape but does not. Flashbacks of the guys and the fire king was interesting, the backstory of how he sawed a crew of soldiers. He rescued the bender in order to capture him again. But they parted. The crew now respescts the prince as he returns on a small kiss the girl Little Mermaid paddle boat. Bender saved the town from their version of Freddy the nightmare giver in the forest. Sometimes it is not so much the masks we wear. Like sometimes we are the masks we put on.

05:09 PM
TYT's Cenk Uygur SUSPENDS PRESIDENTIAL Campaign, Also Nikki Haley w/Heidi Briones | Timcast IRL

06:07 PM
Tim Pool said some of the leftists have an IQ of like 110, they'll act like they're smart thinking they got everything figured out. The Bible says pride comes before a fall.

Last Airbender 107-108

2024-03-06 - Wednesday - 10:06 PM - Avatar: The Last Airbender 107-108

Debate between fate versus destiny. Battle. Son fights father, mirrored Vader vs Luke Skywalker in Star Wars but with the uncle delfecting a fire whip which caught the king and spung him overboard. This was after he destroyed the moon by killing a fish. Oh the fire king is not dead. Bender becomes a water monster. I thought he was going to be come the moon. Instead, this girl became a fish which allowed the moon to come back. She was saved by the moon or something which meant she had the moon in her.

2018-12-26 - Wednesday - AVATAR FAVORITE BOXER KNOCKOUT DAY LMS JA 6 54 PM PST 185100.jpg

Here is a list of what I'm watching

12:28 AM
Adam Carolla - Tucker Carlson + Jamie Lissow + Blood, Sweat & Tears

01:06 AM
Dr. Phil's WARNING for Parents & His Advice for Trump's Legal Team | The Glenn Beck Podcast | Ep 211

Bad Batch 305

2024-03-06 - Wednesday - 02:42 AM - Star Wars: Bad Batch 305

Last Air Bender 106

2024-03-06 - Wednesday - 03:29 AM - Avatar: The Last Air Bender 106

10:06 AM
And We Know - 3.6.24: Big B@@MS, More wins, Storm coming, Resignations happening, IDES of March? Arrest Wars! Pray

10:17 AM
Alex Jones Infowars, 2024-03-06 - Wednesday - Rumble Live Stream

05:09 PM
TYT's Cenk Uygur SUSPENDS PRESIDENTIAL Campaign, Also Nikki Haley w/Heidi Briones | Timcast IRL

08:10 PM
Don’t Be Fooled: This Isn’t Normal. It’s the Beginning of a New Crisis | Dr. Phil McGraw

Last Airbender 107-108

2024-03-06 - Wednesday - 10:06 PM - Avatar: The Last Airbender 107-108

Timestamps generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted. Welcome to Oatmeal Daily with your host, me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, each day, I publish/syndicate these entries/posts/articles/web pages/stories/etc, to websites/blockchain/social media/email/etc. This is mostly a personal blog/vlog/diary/journal/autobiography/outline/news. I teach class sometimes at night. However, some of this may be useful, applicable, inspirational, educational, entertaining, etc. Boring/mundane daily template log. I've included my watch log near the bottom of this post listing some of the videos I've viewed. At the very bottom are some of my favorite links worth sharing. Bed around 04:30 AM. I got up at 09:50 AM. Breakfast, 10:05 AM. Green house plants out around 10:30 AM. 2 boxes of food, not pumpkins but similar like food, other expired spoiling food, perhaps some cucumbers or something green, perhaps 3 types of food, 2 boxes on the largest cooler we got in the backyard patio, food to ground compost, cardboard to recycling bin by cherry tree, folded towels, all of this for like 20 minutes to 10:53 AM, back here for more Alex, Tucker, food. Lunch, 12:06 PM. Chores from 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM included dishes, mail box empty, scrub shower while taking one, talked to mom about The Way Home. Now she is taking a nap. Dinner, 05:09 PM. Food log: Breakfast: coffee, orange, rice pudding, 10:05 AM. Lunch: chicken green beans potato soup, 12:06 PM. Dinner: toasted bagel with garlic humus, 05:09 PM. Salad, 06:20 PM. ChinhPham0324: 2024-03-06 - Wednesday - 08:28 PM. 1. Daylight Savings Time. Walking Dead, the Rick show is better than the ones with Negan or Daryl. Cap can mean ceiling. The lid of a bottle is called a cap. So perhaps cap means to close something like a lid can close a bottle. You can expect the unexpected. A cap can also be a hat. Prepared to lose a little, as in room for error, so you can lose a little sometimes but slowly grow over time in the long-run. Flexibility. The short man can be called a midget. My mom got a credit card. Bed at midnight.