PETALS - CURATION REPORT - August 2021 - #06


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Welcome to the first edition of our PETALS community report it has been a very gratifying few days because it has had a great acceptance and that is always appreciated, before publishing we recommend that you read the community rules and comply with the requirements mentioned below so that your publication can be selected by the curatorship team:

  • The publication must have at least three photographs.
  • You must write a minimum of 300 words in your publication.
  • Add truthful information about the specimen they are showing.
  • Mention where and when you took the photographs.
  • The publication must be posted within the petals community.

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@journeylifeFlowers on the Road


How pleasant it is to be in this beautiful community sharing one of the many sublime ways of entering a plane without form, a wide world, as observers; this time of the flowers, those that are bridges and at the same time messengers of the physical and formless.

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@iamricalOrchid Flower - Dendrobium Anucha - Dendrobium Phalaenopsis


Today I want to show you the orchids planted by my sister, There are 3 types of this orchid flower. which I will show along with the explanation. I took this photo at night, when I visited his house, There are several types of orchids planted, but only three types that I can photograph.

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@dearwTridax Procumbens


These small flowers are common almost everywhere in my country. They can grow in the most unexpected places, such as in cracks in the pavement, walls, and, of course, in gardens and open fields. This one was growing next to my door and I wanted to take some pictures of it.

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@wiwit2Petals Lovers - A charming petals


When the flowers are blooming well in the garden, I have to take good care of them. Many beetles come to him to suck his juice, if the flower petals are in full bloom, many are accompanied by various species such as beetles. This feature always looks beautiful in every flower garden that is in bloom.

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@bluemoonThe Rose


Sometimes, and this sometimes is more and more often lately, I reach a kind of saturation. Saturation and fatigue. I think maybe the stifling heat of this summer is to blame. It is more and more difficult for me to write, daily or, anyway, 4-5 posts per week. I've been doing this for over 4 years.

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@carlaartBeauties of nature


The sunflower is a beautiful flower that I have always liked, I have always heard that it rotates looking for the rays of the sun. Yesterday I went to celebrate my grandmother's birthday and I found that at her house she has these beautiful sunflowers that I took advantage of to capture it with my phone.

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@melinda010100Summertime Petals


This brilliant orange Bougainvillea Hybrid 'Fire Cracker Opal' was a gift from my Chicago kids last June. And it continues to show-off its beauty in a hanging basket. It needs a lot of sunlight and being able to have sun loving plants on my deck is my one consolation for the loss of a huge old oak tree that fell last fall.

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Come on and...together let's take HIVE to the moon!

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