Colors of Life Round 1 : Winners Announcement!

Hello everyone, were sorry for the long delay for the announcement of winners . We are fixing some things in the community since we grew in numbers in just a few weeks, and were very thankful for that. On that note we will make sure to do better on the next round that will initialize after the announcement of winners.

Thanks to all who participated ,we are overwhelmed with the number of entries that was submitted. Thank you for your support, as mentioned all participant received upvotes in from our community curators and we already sent your Ecency Point Tips.

And here are the Winners for The first Round of our Colors of Life:

Third Place

@damelysh : POST LINK
Reward : 1 HSBI and 20 Ecency Points

Second Place

@jurich60 : POST LINK
Reward : 2 HSBI and 30 Ecency Points

First Place

@sarimanok : POST LINK

Reward : 3 HSBI and 50 Ecency Points

Here are some Information about our Rewards.

  • You can find more info about Ecency Points HERE..
  • To see how much HSBI you have , you can check HERE . Just put your username in the link.
  • To know more about HSBI, please read the WHITEPAPER.

Again, Congratulations to the winners, all rewards will be sent within 24 Hours.
Our big thanks to all participants, we hope to see you again in the next round.

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