How "Nobel" can you be?

When you die,
what story do you want people to remember you by?

This was the question asked by our speaker in a short talk last Monday morning.

Edited on Canva

Once upon a time, there was a man named Alfred.
He was a famous inventor and has over 300 patents. One of his inventions is the dynamite.
One day, as he was reading a newspaper, he stumbled upon the obituary. His brother Ludwig had just died but he was surprised when it was his face that he saw in the obituary and was captioned:

The man who made a fortune by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.

Alfred was known as the merchant of death because of inventing dynamite, a weapon that claimed the lives of innocent people.
He began to question himself,
"Is this how people will remember me?
Is this my legacy?"


So he decided to change his life, his story.


Dr. Alfred Nobel
Image grabbed from

This is the story of Dr. Alfred Nobel.

He spent most of his fortune to establish the Nobel Prize which is awarded to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.

It leaves us the question:

What do you want people to remember you by?


While it's true: we don't live to please other people.
But wouldn't we want to live a life full of kindness, peace, love and happiness?
Wouldn't giving our best in everything we do make us feel contented and satisfied?
Wouldn't living our lives knowing that we did not hurt somebody give us peace?
Life is too short to live it with regrets.
Just like Dr. Nobel, turn the negative into something positive.
Let us learn from our mistakes.
So we should give our best in everything we do.
Every people we meet is a story so let's make sure that we are not the villain in their story.
Remember that the things we do matter.
We should not under estimate what we do because they matter.

All of this because, You matter. We all matter.

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