Lifescape Contest Round 3: Colors Of Life - Blue

Hello everybody,

I just read about this 3rd contest, hope my entry can still be accepted.

Last September 17, 2023 was our 50th HS'73 Reunion, here in Cebu. Before the day came it was already decided that out tshirt should be blue because the color of the school uniform is blue. Actually they were my classmates when we were 2nd year high svhool then on my 3rd year I transferred to another school where I graduated. But, when my former classmates knew that I am in Cebu they chatted me and included me on their FB GC they considered me still their batchmate, I am honored until now, as in. So, when we all meet we wear our blue tshirts and I crocheted blue earrings to match our tshirt.


And, paired with black pants, but on my way to the venue I wear my recycled crocheted blue skirt.


I was so happy that day because I again met my classmates of the year 1971-1972! Same as me they are all grandmothers & grandfathers, mostly with white hair but those who were from the states were still younger.
Meeting my co dancers before...


It was a day with so many stories to tell, who we marry, how many childrens, grandkids we have and so many endless questions.


Meeting our valedectorian, and recalling our activities during our 2nd yr high scholl life.


It was the day I can't forget in my lifetime. Plus the timing our color of the day was blue I have an entry for this contest. Grateful much.

Thanks for dropping by..


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