I will always have this place close my heart: my University

myself and my colleague leaders being sworn into office

Honestly when I saw the title of this prompt I simply dismissed that this is not for me. The reason being that I simply could not think of anything nice about my Uni to write about. More like I did not even allow myself to think of anything it. The thought of this prompt never really left my mind. I just did not make the effort to think about any good things about my Uni.

Thinking about how I approached it earlier makes me feel like I was being shallow-minded. I mean aside the inadequate infrastructure and some teaching and learning materials, coupled with the unique times we have found ourselves in in the university, there are still some wonderful experiences I have had personally on this campus.

If I should think about this in terms of physical structures and lifestyle of a typical university campus it will really to be difficult because my Uni simply lacks these. We basically just came to this place to eat, sleep, study our books, pass our exams and get our certificates and get going. There’s really nothing else here lifestyle wise. This is the reason I could not really think of much to share about “what I love about my Uni”. It will be quite hard to answer the prompts directly.

Let’s approach the prompt on a more personal level. Let’s rather answer the question, “how has your Uni helped you grow?

For majority of people university is the turning point of their lives. Well is it not meant to be? I personally believe that most of the transformation come due to the length of time we spend in the university, and also the particular period in our lives that we go to the university. Let me explain. [say undergrad] Undergraduate studies generally takes 4 years to complete which is a reasonable amount of time for a person to grow from completely nothing to someone. For the second part also, most of us get into the university in our early adulthood (or just when we are going into adulthood) and so it makes us face life the hard way; it gives us our first tastes of difficult life experiences which helps us grow into better adults.

Just like most people I came into the university as a fresh naive young man who barely had any clue what’s going on in the world around him. (But I wouldn’t say this at that time, I’ve just grown and realized I was a complete green leaf, like all of you when you were in your freshman years..lol)

I came into the university anti social and timid as heck! Life in the university taught me how these are bad qualities for an ambitious young man like me. It went ahead and showed me ways to get over them. Check this (this will make you appreciate how quiet and in-my-zone I was), I came to this university and met plenty of students I attended the same high school with, I recognized all of them but most of them(I’m talking 99%) had no idea who I was or which high school I came from. I recognized all the faces that came from my high school but basically none had ever seen me before. Lol

My Uni taught me ways to grow into the kind of man I want, taught me ways to overcome tough times, taught me ways to solve challenges life throws at me, taught me ways live among people(and socialize).

The weird kid nobody noticed grew in the university to become the leader of the student Union of the university and represents the entire students and make decisions on their behalf.

So wherever I am I will always have this place close to my heart. My university made me into a respectable man. That is what I love about my university.

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