School debate ongoing between the various schools on campus.

Hey, greetings everyone. I believe we are doing good. I welcome you to my blog once again. It has been such an interesting day on campus and I would like to share it with everyone here since sharing is caring. I believe you will love it.

Lectures and studies were still ongoing but there is a saying “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. This brings us to the point where we need to balance our lives. There is a time work and there is a time to play as we all know.

For this reason, a whole week was set aside for students to engage in certain fun packed activities. These activities will help in the long run. These will help reduce the stress in the system and prepare students' minds for the exams ahead.

The stress load on students is just too much and this will help refresh the minds of students so we can study very well during the revision week for a better result I guess, lol.

As I said earlier, the week was packed with fun activities of which all has been done. On the 1st of August, 2023 was the football gala and CKT UTAS Strongest competition. It was amazing. The display of power and strength among students just for the bragging right and the grand prize was a tourist attraction.

But before that was the soccer gala between the various levels. Two teams qualified for the grand finale and had a chance to compete for the grand prize on 2nd of August, 2023.

But even before that was a debate between all the various schools on campus, namely;

  • The School of Mathematics.
  • The school of environmental science.
  • The school of physical science.
  • The school of public health.
  • The school of information and computer science.
  • The School of Education.

The debate was supposed to begin at 9:00 AM but rather pushed to 11:00 AM. This was to make it possible for the candidates to have a better time to prepare and the auditorium to be set by then.

So exactly at 11:00 AM, students were flooding in in their numbers. All candidates were also settled by then; ready for action. I could sense some tension in the atmosphere. Everywhere was hot as the candidates prepared to battle each other for the bragging rite. There was a motion against the revolution of AI (Artificial Intelligence). Those to write for the motion and those to write against the motion. The various school battled it out with some amazing points.

The school of environmental science1ST PLACE
The school of physical science.2ND PLACE
The school of information and computer science.3RD PLACE
The school of public health.4TH PLACE
The School of Mathematics.5th PLACE
The School of Education.6th PLACE

These are the various positions won by the corresponding school.

Witnessing the grand-finale between the level 200 and 300 in a soccer match.

After the debate we all went to the park to witness the grand finale between the Level 300 and THE 200. These were the two teams that qualified after clashing the other two levels. It was a much anticipated match.

The referee blew the whistle for a kickoff. The game began with much intensity because it was the grand finale. Everyone was giving their very best. There were some really amazing talents displayed. I couldn’t believe such talents were all in my school. It was an amazing display of skills. Everyone is pushing for the bragging right. It was such an amazing scene. I believe these two teams actually deceived to battle it out for the grand prize.

Do not get carried away already, lol. Within few minutes into the first half of the game, there was a header from the level 300 striker called Karim, which entered the net. It was such an amazing goal. The header was a shocking one because no one expected he could get to that level of height to put that behind the net. He is tall I must say, that is what gives him advantages over every other player there was on the pitch.

Goodness and greatness are all over this guy in terms of skills, agility and speed. I believe he would make a great striker someday. That is if he decides to take that path. Well, the game continues. The two teams still battled it out for some minutes when the referee spotted an infringement. This infringement was within the 18 yards of the level 300. You know what this means right? It means a penalty kick has been awarded to the level 200. It was like a dream for everyone.

Confusion among the team players

The unfortunate part is that there was no VAR to determine if it was truly a penalty. There was confusion here and there. Initially the level 300s were not in agreement but later had to obey the official in charge for peace to prevail. There were lots of spectators who were not in support at first too. They poured their anger at the referee. Some even spoke foul languages to the official in charge. There was nothing they could have done anyway other than to expect that the ball would be missed.

Unfortunately, there was an equalizer. There was a draw of 1-1 here as a result of the penalty. They battle it out again. The match became more intense because the least mistake and you are out of the game. You will loose just like that. There was more intensity, more violence, more display of strength and skills. It went on and on till the referee blew his whistle for a half time.

A shocking header from Karim which puts the level 300 in the lead.

They took some few minutes off to rest then back into action. This was more than a clash. The two teams played their hearts out. Giving it their all until there was a shocking header from the level 200 striker when went straight into the net. It was a banger and a shocker. Great moment for the level 200s. Equalizing and adding another one to be ahead of the table.

There was about 20 minutes until the close of the game. It looks like there was going to be a win for the level 200s. They were defending very well. They kept preventing the level 300 from even getting close to their poles. They did it well and even pulled up some surprising counter attacks.

A penalty kick for the level 300s to equalize.

At a point in time, the level 300s were under pressure and frustration was gradually setting in. With this frustration, they kept pushing until there was a free kick just outside the 18 yards of the level 200s. They insisted it was a penalty but the referee thinks otherwise. The free kick was taken and behold there was a hand contact just in the 18-yard box. There referee quirkily awarded a penalty to the level 300s and that was how they leveled up with the level 200s. It was 2-2 and time was fast moving.

Everyone gathered to witness the penalty shootout.

It full time and nobody was declared a winner. There was supposed to be an extra time but looking at the time they had to just take penalty shots to see who wins. The penalty went on for a while, then there was a miss from the level 200 and all the players of the level 300s scored making them winners. They were so happy because that could have been very embarrassing. For a level 200 to bet a level 300. That will have been the talk of the sem.

The match was over and everyone was jubilating.

They took their prize and jubilated all night. This is where it all came to an end. Thanks for joining me on this interesting time. See yall!!!

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