That feeling when you sit next to a brilliant student in the exam Hall


Today, I wrote my last paper and have successfully unlocked 200 level second semester. I'm happy that at least I'll have a goodnight sleep without thinking of waking up to read even though there'll be no long break for us as lectures for second semester kick-starts next week Monday.

I went to bed last night super tired, my body felt numb after a long day, I couldn't even check in here. I was unable to read for even five minutes. Having a spree of tough papers isn't an easy task at all and my body indeed deserved the breakdown.

I woke up really late this morning with a severe headache and struggled to scheme through my text book but I knew it wasn't enough for me to have knowledge on what I was going to write.

The exam was scheduled for 11:30 and I didn't have time to do deep reading. The exam questions though were objective but y'all know how tricky objective questions can be. If you don't read hard to be able to recognize the right answer, you could pick the wrong one out of drawing lots.

I wasn't sad at all before the commencement of the exam because I was ready to ask people around me for answers afterall it was an objective question so it was going to be easy breezy getting answers from people.

Luckily for me a very brilliant student in my department sat next to me and I couldn't help but thank my God 😂. I knew everything was settled as this particular student has never gotten anything less than a "B" in all courses.

When we were officially asked to start, he started calling out answers to his friends that sat close to him and in the process I checked mine with ease😂. I didn't even bother reading the questions to know if he was right or wrong, the moment I heard; "number one A" I checked the box and that's how it continued till all 50 question boxes were checked and I went to submit with pride😂😂.

my course mate and I after the exam

You can't blame a girl that wasn't prepared for the exams🤷. Unlike previous examinations that I prepared for, this one was different plus I hate GST exams a lot. The options are always very tricky.

In all of these I didn't let the guy know I was copying from him Sha, fine girls like me shouldn't lose guard now😂.

Our invigilator today was nice BTW, we did lots of interactions in the hall though this was done diplomatically. The man just stayed in one corner fiddling with his phone while we wrote to our hearts content. GST exams if one can write well and come out with good grades helps in boosting CGPA so I was really excited for this one. Can't risk my CGPA going down or risk having a carry-over.

It was all fun in the end as most of us came out smiling. The cooperation was top notch.

Are you writing exams in your school as well or are you guys ahead of us? Let's interact in the comment section.

Thanks for reading 💜

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