A Man I Will Never Forget

In the course of our studies as Students, we get to come across many formators and teachers but not all of them get to make it as our favourite / best teachers..... Ones we love to remember all day long.

Nah, I'm not referring about how good they are in doing their job as teachers because if that was to be the yardstick, then almost all of them will gladly tick the box of my favourite teacher rather I am referring to the extra jobs they do; things they do outside their main job of teaching..... how they come into our lives as humans and not just confined as students.


Ladies and gentlemen,
I present you a man who kept my Dream Alive...

A man who taught me everything I know in anatomy...

A man who brought me closer to God...

If Motivaton was a person, it's no other person other than A man by the name, Dr. Ikele.

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Crossing over to the College of Medicine, we were all scared because of the numerous stories we've heard ranging from how tough survival is down to how you get to be withdrawn from Medicine if you have problem with the professional exam.

Every Lecturer that came in always affirms to that by the way they behave instilling fear in us as they lecture except when we met Dr. Ikele.


It was on a beautiful Friday morning when we had anatomy class, Dr. Ikele entered and the first thing he did was to use 3mins to sing praises, the whole class was as confused as I was because it was our first time experiencing such.

After the praises, he began his teaching and the good thing about his method is that he breaks it down so well that you get to see relationship in everything (remember that Anatomy was all about relations.)

When he's done, he will always take questions from the class and then end the class by motivating us and giving us some words of advice.

In his words and I quote,

"Forget everything you've been told or heard about College of Medicine, it isn't easy, but then, your mates have succeeded so why won't you succeed?"

These words always pumps me up to start doing my best after hearing them...
What a man he is.

These were his daily routine and he never ever misses them for a Day.


There was a popular story about him been the only lecturer who insisted that we should be asked only from what we were taught in exam.
A compassionate and loving man he is.

After our 2nd Professional exams, even though there were casualties as it is for every exam, it was reduced unlike the previous years because of Dr. Ikele

Appreciation is always a great virtue, hence, we organised ourselves and presented a gift to him on behalf of our class.
He received them with joy and prayed for us all.

Picture is Mine


Even though he doesn't teach me again, even though I don't get to see him because of change in campus, his impacts on me has never left me.

May God keep blessing you Dr. Ikele, My favourite lecturer.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day 👍

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