The Perks of my University

With regards to my current university, I don’t think there’s anyone especially in my year group that came here willingly, it was due to one or two circumstances and they found themselves here and as everyone else, you learn to adjust and when you are settled, everything becomes very normal.

In order that I do not deviate from the topic of discussion, let me dive straight into answering the questions here in this community.

What motivated me to come here?

My mother. There’s nothing more I can say. She just came back one day, said my friends have applied and had admission so I should also apply. When I was done with the application, she took it upon herself to do follow ups to make sure everything is successful and then they just sent me here. So unlike others, I knew the exact campus I was coming to because my brother was a past student. And I didn’t really have any expectations so it wasn’t that much of a big deal.

The one thing I would commend about this school,

is how they give priority to academics. They are so focused on the classroom that some lecturers feel nothing more matters. For someone that enjoys learning from the book, it would be okay for them. I personally do not learn anything from the classroom.

Right from level 100, YouTube has been my go to for every thing. I attend lectures for attendance and in unannounced quizzes. Though it has gotten worse overtime as I hardly even step into the lecture hall. I have people who always write my quizzes so I don’t have to worry about missing out on anything.

Would i choose to attend this school again?

I wouldn’t say no because I’ve learnt to like being here. Since I don’t not indulge myself so much in the classroom, it gives me a lot of time to explore so many things. I’ve taken so many courses and learnt so many skills and I feel that if I were somewhere else, I wouldn’t have had the time.

Also with regards to the course I’m studying (computer science), I do not really need any special equipment or infrastructure. I just need my pc and I have that so I’m good to go. Even if the classes were under trees, I would still be fine😂😂(jk).

But the most important thing for me here is the people I’ve come to meet, the people I’ve grown to love and the memories I’ve made here. I cannot and will not trade that for anything else. Everything falls into place with time. I first didn’t understand why I had to come to this school but I believe now a lot have fallen into place. I can’t imagine my life if I hadn’t met these specific people I know now, people that have open up a lot of great opportunities for me.

All images are mine

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