My school love life

We all have different experiences when we were in school. We had the good ones and the bad ones. I’m glad we are to talk about the social part of it. Which include this love life. We all have different experiences when it comes to love life . Love is actually a good thing when we are with the right person. Love can come in different ways . It can be in a good way or even in a weird way.


How i met him
I met this guy in the school premises during my university days. We are from the same faculty but different departments. We only greet ourselves each time we come accross each other. He smiled to me all the time but i never had the intention of being with him but he actually had that in mind. I never cared because it wasn’t my intention. He will send his friends to me but as a good student, i never gave love a chance because i wanted to focus only on my education but school might be tough sometimes that you will need to socialize yourself with people.
So we decided to be more closer just to study ourselves better. We started developing feelings for eachother and we started dating.


**How the relationship went **
Its a very loving relationship but we didnt allow that to affect our studies. He helped me a lot during my exams and we had good grades. Well, why wouldn’t you stay with someone who loves you and helps you academically? But sometimes we fight but we end up settling it. We never allowed anyone come between us till we finished school. Even some people never thought we’d last together. It was a very amazing love life. I felt really good with him and I’m glad we are still together till now.
Love is really a good thing

Thansk for reading!😊

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