Celebrating My Remarkable Mentor-My Favorite Teacher

Hello guys,
I hope you’re having a good day. It’s a pleasure to be taking part of this wonderful contest because I get to share a lot about my favourite teacher and how he inspires me.

In today’s world, about 95 percent of the population is educated which means that we have all been through school in one way or the other. Throughout our school life, we come across a number of teachers to teach us and also guide us in all we do. These teachers are supposed to serve as our mentors and inspiration to us throughout our journey in school.

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I have spent about 90 percent of my life in school. Aside the two weeks vacations and weekends, most of my days are spent in school. I really enjoyed school because I am a very curious person. It always surprises me how I get to learn new stuff everyday.😅 Sometimes I ask myself’ how come I didn’t know about this?’ I guess that’s just life.

I have met a lot of teachers whom I like very much due to how they teach and also their relationship with their students but my favorite teacher is in the person of Mr Samuel Sunyaazi Sunwaile. We just call him SSS for short. Mr. Samuel is my lecturer in the university and he has been teaching me for three years now. Surprisingly I didn’t like him when we first met. Till today, most of my course mates don’t like him because they claim he’s too serious.


The first time he taught me was in second year and he was lecturing us on biomolecules. Can you imagine this lecturer of ours never misses a class?😂 And the funny thing about this is that his classes are usually two hours but this man will want to teach for more than his two hours. Now this is where my course-mates start to complain.

Now we are used to each other so he doesn’t teach more than his allocated time because my class won’t allow that. What I know for a fact is that Mr Samuel is one of the most hard working lecturers I have ever come across. He tries as much as possible to make sure we the students understand what is being taught and he makes sure to answer all our questions. Outside the lecture hall, he is generally a chatty and kind person and he is always available to help his students with anything.


He inspires and encourages us to do better as tertiary students. One thing I like the most about him is that he challenges us a lot. I’m someone who like challenges because they help me make good use of my brain and also educate myself more. In a room full of students, how would you feel if you’re one of the few people who knows at least a bit if not a lot about everything that’s being discussed. That is how he trains his students to be.


Through him, I have come to understand myself more and also tried various studying strategies and found which one I am most comfortable with. We all know that in university, most lecturers do not make time for their students. All they do is lecture, send slides and give exams. Mr Samuel is the exact opposite and I’m grateful to have met him.

Oh and not forgetting this too, I also like him very much because he has a lot of past questions which are likely examination questions.😅 Even though most of my course mates find him to be annoying, we all like him for this reason.

I think everyone need a teacher like Mr Samuel in their lives because he is one of the best teachers anyone would ever meet. In addition to all these, he in morally upright and that is a plus.

This is the little I would share about my favourite teacher. I hope you enjoyed reading and I also hope that you meet someone like him in your life. Thank you.

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