Requirements And Ceremonies

Hello again lovely Hivers!

How are you? I hope you're still fighting and standing strong at your end because I'm almost drowning in my school works now. Accomplishing different requirements for our On the Job Training has been consuming most of our time lately, and reviewing for our upcoming midterm examinations added more to that. Despite that, we still had made time to have fun under the pressure and the hectic schedule.

Here are some activities I did recently, just some simple students updates from and pardon me for making Hive my college life journal. I'm just so happy to share my little achievements.

Laboratories For OJT Requirements

One of the requirements for our OJT is to make sure that we are fit to train and that we don't have any medical conditions that could affect our work. It's why a Medical Certificate is needed before you could start working in a company you've applied at. In a medical certificate, you need to have your results in X-ray, Urinalysis, and Complete Blood Count.


After our samples were taken, we need to wait for at least an hour to get our results. We waited outside, and some eat first since it is past noon already.

See that couple behind my back?

They're cute together and has the most unique kind of relationship that I have ever seen. It's rare to find someone that could accept and embrace each other's differences, love your imperfections, and that can love you unconditionally. I'm happy for them even though some of our friends would complain on how they display their affection in public. Lol!

And, I've got my results in a while. Gladly, it's all normal. I've been feeling nervous since I got there, thinking that I might have some complications in the results, just purely overthinking simple things again.

Pinning and Donning Ceremony

Finally can wear them!

After a year of dedication and hard work, our organization was finally acknowledged, recognized, and fully established. A few days ago, we had our pinning and donning ceremony.





Here we are before the event started, taking pictures happily as if we were some kind of agents. Jokingly, we were telling each other that we looked like American EMT dispatch, 'cause we actually do since we took reference from their uniforms. Also, we looked like criminology students here, especially with my short hair, I was mistaken as one that even our college administrator asked what school are we from.





After the event, we went to another school where our adviser is also teaching, at STI West Negros University. They're having their Kasadyahan annual event, and we're glad to feast our eyes on the performances of the students there.

We were introduced to their ROTC Instructors and officers, and their Rescue Team by stations as well. Sooner or later, our schools will be collaborate during trainings. It's a pleasure to see their system beforehand and know the team personally. If my schedule permits, I'll be willingly impart all the knowledge I have learned from my Instructors to impose a safe and secure learning environment in every schools.

That's all I can share from my student life. See in my next blog, folks!

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