Some changes in plants occur during and after Watering time .

All things need water to survive. Look how my brother is watering to small plants. This plant I recently grown for beauty and enjoy. I hardly reached that stage after one minute month. Because I prevented these from small children. Take daily care their. Now last 5 days was went to Multan for searching of job. When I came back. I saw their condition that was very bad. Other tree Leaves was fallen onto these. I gathered all those leaves and put into dustbin. After clear I gave water to these plant by motor pipe.

During Watering time

Show plants during watering time .Improvement came after giving water. They drink water as much as for life. All plant have leaves except two plant . Two plants have just two flowers at the top. Looking is very beautiful due to everywhere closing of petals of flower. These Plants have thick sepals. Leave blade is flat. Some big plant have different leaves shape from small plant. One leave consist sub cuttted leaves. Awesome their shape.

Watering after 1 hour

Plants over all changed after watering. Flower changed their shape. Now petals of flowers are opened. Flower is sprout. Now flower is blossoming. Believe me this is that flower which their petals was close before one hour.Now it's petals are open due to watering. Many other changing occurred.


Care of plants is necessary for all us. We should check them day by day. Specially after 2 days we should watered them.plants beauty depend upon water. Water cause many improvements of plants. Plant becomes healthy, smart, beautiful and lovely. Flowers blossom and attract insects.

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