Photo-Essay: Purple Flowers At My Grandma's Garden

Garden Petunia
Golden Dewdrop
Chinese Violet
Wild Petunia

Hello everyone, and good evening.

Tonight, I am going to share some of my grandma's flowering plants, and all the flowers are purple. I took these when my mom and I visited her the last time. I didn't know the names of the flowers, so I asked my mom and my grandma. The first is the Wild Penutia. It has five soft petals and long leaves. They bloom a lot, and I even see them in parks and even in my school. The next flower is the Chinese Violet. These also have soft petals, but the color is lighter and mixed with white. Its leaves are also white and green. They also bloom a lot. The third flower is my grandma's favorite. It's the Dendrobium orchids. I see them a lot too.The flowers are so beautiful, especially when they all bloom like a bouquet. The next flower is the Golden dewdrop. It has very tiny dark purple flowers, and it looks like a wedding flower. They also bloom a lot. The leaves are hard and tiny. The last flower is the Garden Petunia. This one is a combination of white and purple. It is very soft and easily torn, but when it blooms, it is very pretty.

This is my photo essay entry for this week's theme, color Purple hosted by @hive-14396. Thank you for reading and goodnight to all.

(Your 10-year-old friend)

July 3, 2023

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