Beautiful fruit decorations for the pre-wedding event

In our country, there are several pre-marital arrangements. One of these arrangements is known to apply turmeric to the body or face.

It is a pre wedding event which is celebrated separately at the bride and groom's house before the main wedding ceremony.

And these pre-wedding events are very enjoyable. This event showcases the traditional wedding customs of our country. I don't like this event that much though. Because religiously such events are not acceptable.

However, for your information, I will tell you about one of the most exciting aspects of this event which is food decoration. At the pre wedding event, some decorated food is placed on a table in front of the seat where the groom sits.

After applying a small amount of turmeric to the groom's forehead or face, the invited guests bless him by feeding him some fruits or sweets from the decorated food.

Fruits or sweets are arranged so beautifully that they catch the attention of the guests. Furthermore, it conveys the image of good taste or thoughtfulness.

The food decoration pictures I shared today were taken from my friend Shuvo's pre-wedding ceremony. And these were designed by my friend Rajib.

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