Axie diary #7

Today was calmer, it's been 2/3 days since mmr was reset so everyone is going back to their normal ranks according to their teams and abilities.
After a while today I spent the 20 daily energies in pvp and stopped spending the 5 in pve as I was doing because I already loaded the axie I needed.


Opposing teams
In general I got times like it used to be before mmr reset for everyone, an indicator that is getting back to normal. Usually a team with 2 fish and a plant or dusk tank on the front line, and against this type of team I usually win a lot.

Luckily I didn't catch any counter that would be birds or fish that hit my mech directly.

Win and loss
I started with 1130 mmr and ended up with 1200 again, I managed to win more than lose by the enemy teams I played against.
I played the 20 energies in pvp, won 13 and lost 7.

Current game view
As I said in the last post, I'm pretty discouraged with the current situation in the game, but the extra income it brings helps me a lot so I keep playing confident that the slp will go up again.

That's it for today, thank you so much for reading this far. To the next. :)

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