Axie Infiniti, (ENG/ESP) Climbing MMR 1400 and I hope I don't run into too many triple Poisons.-Subiendo MMR 1400 y Espero no toparme con muchos triples Venenos.

Hello dear friends. I bring you an Axie Infiniti battle heading to MMR 1400 hoping that the Triple Poisons will let me go up, the battles are getting tough, already at this stage of the game but winning is satisfying. A very good day where I could get 16 wins and only 4 losses. I was not able to get close to the 1350, but without getting discouraged I know that with effort I will make it.


A game where from the beginning I started attacking his fish, I had to get out of that Axie as soon as possible, so that my reptilians could do their job possible, so that my reptilians could do their job very well, since both have Chomp cards, to place the enemy in Stun. the enemy in Stun. Good card combianaciones to be able to kill your plant. Then in 1 vs 1 of my reptile with good defense since it has a card like Scale Dart that gives you 1 Energy.


Good game, I hope you enjoy it. For me it is a pleasure to be able to share with you my projects, my day to day projects, plays of my day after day. This beautiful game as Axie Infiniti is...

"Tony Robbins"

*Your whole world changes when you change your story.
*People who fail focus on what they will have to go through, people who succeed focus on how they will feel in the end.


Hola! Que tal queridos amigos. Le traigo una batalla Axie Infiniti Rumbo a MMR 1400 esperando que los Triples Venenos me dejen subir, Las batallas se colocan Duras, ya en este tramo de la partida pero lograr ganar es sastifactorio. Un dia muy Bueno donde pude obtener 16 victorias y tan solo 4 Derrotas. cerca de los 1350 no dejaron que me colocara en las 1400, Pero sin desanimarme se que con efuerzo lo lograre.


Una partida donde desde el comienzo empece atacar su pez, tenia que salir de ese Axie lo antes posible, para que mis reptil pudieran hacer muy bien su trabajo, ya que ambos cuentan con cartas de Chomp, para poder colocar al enemigo en Stun. Buenas combianaciones de cartas para poder matar su planta. Luego en 1 vs 1 de mi reptil con buena defensa ya que posee carta como Scale Dart que te ortoga 1 de Energia.


Buena partida espero que la difruten. Para mi es grato poder compartir con ustedes mis proyectos, jugadas de mi dia tras dia. Este hermoso Juego como lo es Axie Infiniti..

"Tony Robbins"

*Todo tu mundo cambia cuando cambias tu historia.
*La gente que fracasa se centra en lo que tendrán que pasar, la gente que triunfa se centra en cómo se sentirán al final.
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