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My Axie Game Experience

Games have been our past time before this defi game came into a trend today. Old games such as solving a puzzle, puzzle words have been my favorite before oh and that candy crush. Facebook has its own game too that most of us love it if you can still remember that FarmVille where you grow your plant and crop them then you level up. I also remember that girl game call street city I don't know if I remember it well tho.


Axie as they say start last year the price of each team at that time is affordable compare to now. They even reward some of the rare axie to some members which cost insanely today. Most of us have heard it may be then we ignore them and like what the saying regrets always in the end so be it.

There are 2 coins of this game SLP smooth love posion and AXS. When you play axie you will earn that SLP and AXS. Slip can be earned playing the question and battle at the arena. While axs are earned by those top players it also uses to breed well both of them.

For you to be able to play that game you need to have 3 axie and they call it one team. That one team compost of 3 different types of axie. Axie has different kinds of beasts that you can choose from and buy at the axie. infinity marketplace. They use Eth network so be sure to have some weth to buy axie in their market place.

Weth is a form of Eth. You can dyor that to learn more.

What are the different axie classes?

  • Plant - Plants.
  • Reptile - Reptile.
  • Dusk - Darkness.
  • Beast - Beast.
  • Bug - Beetle.
  • Mech - Technology.
  • Aqua - Water.
  • Bird - Birds.


That's are my axie. 2 Aqua and 1 beast. They are all pure and virgin.

Disclaimer. I am just a scholar too I won't mention his name here. He is a user of this platform too.

Being a scholar we agree on his term and he's so generous to give me 60/40 so I always do my best mate the SLP he set to achieve by me every day. But since axie lower the SLP we get from Arena we changed our terms too actually I am still waiting for his term if ever he changes it.

You also need to maintain the MMR you have to get 3-6 above SLP every win in your battle.


Daily quest that needs to be done every day to get that 50 SLP.

I've been his scholar for 1 month now and yes I have already received my payments 2 twice a month. I don't need to show my proof here tho.

Your payment will depend on the price of SLP that day you cut off and you can choose to keep your SLP and wait till it pumps. One of my main goals is to save to buy my axie too.

His axie is very expensive cause they are all pure and virgin. Which means you can use them to breed too.

Now before you buy your axie you need to know where to store them of course. Axie uses an Eth network so you need Metamask and Ronin wallets both of them are extensions that you can found on your PC just search it there. Reminder is sure that you download the right extension because hacking is a major issue of axie now. Well, it's not their fault tho. As they announced they are solving this matter of hacking that ronin wallet was involved.

Watch some tutorials on how to set this Metamask and Ronin wallet there are plenty of tutorials available on youtube the choices are yours.

At choosing axies always look at their cards focus on that those cards will bring victory to your team if your wise enough to what card or axie is best for your own team. Don't be fooled by the price of cheap axie.

I always play after my energy reset cause there are fewer players at that time. Strong players still sleep at that moment. So I grab that opportunity to play and Victory was mine.

Reminder for a new player and Scholar.

Never share your barcode with others this will let them access your axie team and maybe be able to steal it.

Never share your logins or seed phase with others. You will give them chance to hack your whole acct and when they do be prepared to say bye-bye at your axie, SLP, and whatever is inside it.

Never share the logins you used with others even if you trust them. Regret always in the end.

Don't post whatever you earn because you'll never know how those people around you think. It's for your safety and your family. Money is the root evil.


There's been an hacking issue now some players lose there axie without not knowing them. They've been hack. We don't know which has a problem the market or ronin wallet. And It's not advisable to use kiwi browser. Because those who lost their axie are using that browser so be careful.

Since it's using an Erc20 wallet you should be aware that fees are High and it will depend on the price of eth that day. So be ready about it.

And due to too much player, the server of axie need to perform maintenance every day so there will be a time of the day that they perform maintenance and you need to stop playing or consequences will face your acct. It's often lag sometimes so find a time which is the best for you to play.

They also changed the daily quest which limits you to earn slp. This isn't good for us tho. We play because of that high earnings at the quest but now they lower it which disappoints me. On the other way, the lower the need for you to breed that's good news to a breeder.

There will be more issues that players may omit in the future and we see that axie is also bringing new ways to earn they also upgrading the system and developing another level to earn. There are upcoming new games at axie soon.

Be careful buying at P2P because scammers are everywhere too. They pretend to be sellers and using a dummy account. Well even in the market there are scammers too.

If you're a scholar you should be aware that the value of SLP is not stable so don't expect a fixed income for every cut-off in your manager. You can always keep the SLP you earn and sell them when SLP goes up. Today's SLP value was too low. So just hold them.

My thoughts.

I can say this game is a good investment for me. If you own the team will be able to earn around 1200$ per month which is a big amount for me. That amount is not constant because the value of money we will earn will depend on the value of SLP that day. And we know SLP is an altcoin and its value is not stable. So don't expect a fixed salary if you are a scholar.

Most of all you should know the rule of this game. Be sure to read the FAQ before you play.

Remember that only 1 account per device which means you cannot open your axie in other devices if that device has already had axle in it. Why because your account will be banned and it will take months before you recover it. Some even take years to take care of your team it's very expensive just to lose it.

Enjoy playing the game. Search for more info regarding this game okay. 😉

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