Goodbye Axie infinity; I quit the mental stress

Axie infinity is an NFT based online game inspired by the popular pokemon game; which requires you to breed, train and battle using three pets known as Axies. Purchasing these Axies requires an initial investment of over $1000 dollars, unfortunately not everyone can afford this huge amount of money hence the introduction of a guild where those that can't afford this amount of money are sponsored by those that can provided they meet certain criterias, and are willing to meet certain conditions set by their sponsors.


I've always loved the concept of Axie infinity especially the fact that you earn cryptocurrency (slp and AXS) from playing this game, hence have always wanted to get into the game play to at least to have a little bit of fun; coincidentally my dear bmjc98 wrote an article about being accepted as a scholar and something about her new Axies which really pushed me to ask her and kaboom...she inducted me into the necessary process and within one week of being active on the discord server I got picked and my AxieBCH journey began under the AxieBCH guild with coach Nazko. Was given my three Axies and my journey began with guild name Kristoffer | AxieBCH...

My team

it turned out the coaches and other scholars were very wonderful people and inhad a lot of fun both during game play and off; discord became my new home and insolent most of my time on it.

The mental stress

Playing Axie infinity was initially enjoyable for me until; my first week was a big tough because I was still trying to understand the game play mechanics and yada yada, all together enjoyable until after my first week when I began to experience mental stress; I couldn't do anything without thinking or talking about Axie infinity as it was always in my head and couldn'tstop the game play from repaying itself in my mind each time - it wasn't obsession but hours are spent on this game, sometimes up to four hours on playing Adventure and Arena combined which is quite easy but stressing considering that you're basically doing the same thing over and over for an extended time period which could make you go crazy if you're the type whose mind snaps easily. I'm one of such people who go crazy from doing the same thing over and over and over; I couldn't sleep well anymore, all I see is myself playing Axie infinity in my dreams which makes me wake up feeling exhausted; the moment I think about playing Axie infinity my heart rate begins to spike for no reason which is very bad for my health as I'm an hypertensive on permanent medication. I played Axie infinity's Arena mode on a certain day; though I won, but my heart rate was so high during gameplay in a way I've never experienced, had to drop my phone and relaxed because I couldn't control my breathing anymore and thought I was going to pass out at this point.

It's actually a very fun game which most people simply play without breaking a sweat after all games are meant to be enjoyed but it turns out that "maybe Axie infinity isn't meant for me. Axie infinity is really fun but not for me as my health can't take it; its affecting me and I can't take it anymore....

I had to Quit

From my second week of game play I had to consider quitting; which I told HappyBoy where he encouraged me to stay and bla bla but I had to explain that my health was diminishing and continuing will mean I do not intend to live a long life; though the money is involved but my life is worth more then money. The conclusion was I'd quit after the following two weeks which means altogether I'd be using one month and kaboom...I'd be out.. In fact I had to deliberately lower down and reduced my game play so I wouldn't be convinced to stay whenever I was ready to finally quit; didn't play more than 5 arena matches, simply did the minimum quota of 75 slp everyday and wasted the rest of the energies on adventure mode in a bid to save myself of mental stress.

Told the coach about my decision to quit about three days ago; where he said my decision was respected and bla bla, he said I'm not that bad with the game play and yada yada and that my decision was respected..coincidentally my two weeks of gameplay was over yesterday, in which I didn't meet up with the weekly quota as expected thus making things even easier for me; my Axies were removed and Goodbye Axie infinity (forever).

Dripped my goodbye message to them on the scholars chat and...I left the server in peace; back to peace of mind once again.

My goodbye message

Special shout out to bmjc98 thanks for your support; you're the boss. Woke up to her message this morning on Telegram asking me "what happened" which I have responded to; I sincerely hope she's not heart broken. I should give her a hug; a real hug and not a virtual one.


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