PukuConcurso: "La Voz cantante" Semana #6 | Canto A Capella: "Ojos Malignos".


Hola Cariño, ¿Cómo estás?

"Ojos Malignos" recuerdo que esta canción era de la telenovela venezolana Kaina de los años 90, tengo los recuerdos tan frescos en mi mente, recuerdo el pueblo fantástico de "San Ignacio del Cocuy" y la famosa frase: "El río trajo gente", siempre pensé que la canción era original de Soledad Bravo, y realmente es de la pluma de Silvio Rodríguez, una hermosa letra, es ideal para dedicarla a alguien con unos ojos muy expresivos, todos conocemos a alguien con la mirada penetrante.

Canto con Amor desde mi corazón para ti <3 Gracias.

Hi Honey, how are you?

"Ojos Malignos" I remember this song was from the Venezuelan soap opera Kaina from the 90's, I have the memories so fresh in my mind, I remember the fantastic town of "San Ignacio del Cocuy" and the famous phrase: "The river brought people", I always thought the song was original by Soledad Bravo, and it really is from the pen of Silvio Rodriguez, beautiful lyrics, it is ideal to dedicate it to someone with very expressive eyes, we all know someone with the penetrating gaze.

I sing with Love from my heart for you <3 Thank you.


Las miradas de tus ojos son tan sutiles
Que penetran en el alma de quien los mire
Y como soles irresistibles son sus destellos
Que no puede uno mirarse, mirarse en ellos
Que no puede uno mirarse, mirarse en ellos

Y cómo sabes que tus miradas tienen hechizo
Miras con imprudencia y maleficio
No me mires a los ojos porque no quiero
Que tu mirar penetrante me deje ciego
Que tu mirar penetrante me deje ciego.


The glances of your eyes are so subtle
That they penetrate the soul of whoever looks at them
And like irresistible suns are their sparkles
That one cannot look at oneself, look at oneself in them
That one cannot look at oneself, look at oneself in them

And how do you know that your glances are spellbound
You look with recklessness and malice
Don't look me in the eyes because I don't want you to
That your penetrating gaze leaves me blind
May your penetrating gaze leave me blind.

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Translated with DeepL.com



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