"Proyecto social internet para el Liceo Aveledo"

Helping a school in Venezuela Week 2 Updates

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Updates Week 2

Hello #Hive and #Monero❤️

Welcome to the 2nd Update of the School Project in #Venezuela.

We are very happy to announce that we have reached our first Milestone. With the incredible support by the Monero Community and ofcourse our lovely Hive community we have reached 50% of the needed funding.

What's next?

We are going to start with school repairs and the #Web3 Classroom preparations. The Classroom has to be as secure as possible because the laptops and tablets will be storred in that room. Here is the todo list:

  • Upgrade grille cylinder for enhanced #security of the class
  • Replace knob lock for the wooden door.
  • Install a padlock on the grille
  • Establish security measures with a 12" block wall.
  • Apply a fresh coat of paint to the wall and ensure uniform coverage on all surfaces.
  • Inspect and install functional light fixtures.
  • Implement six computer connections to support the technological requirements of the space.

We still have to paint the classroom, but this is going to be done in a very unique way, to show our appreciation to all our supporters. More details further in this article.


Getting funds for such a project is not an easy task. Since there are so many scams out there, people do not trust this right away. We are going to update all of you with images and videos of the repairs and show you all the transactions and payments.

To start off, @nahupuku is going to the school on Tuesday to talk to the repair guy and find out what stuff he needs to buy and how much everything will cost. Once we have a detaild list, we can double check if the given prices are correct and we can proceed with the repair services. The funds are extremely important and we don't want to overpay.

@nahupuku will be taking pictures of all the repairs to show everyone how it was looking before and after.

More transparency information you will find firther in this article. Mostly all the transactions.


Monero Community

OK...So we always tell you guys that Monero Coomunity helped us ut a lot and that they funded this project as well, but what you still don't know is how much funding we got from Monero so far. Well, get ready to be blown away 👀

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You can find all the transactions here: @cbrs/wallet

What you guys see is trully amazing. Without even knowing us or anyone on #Hive they supported this project already with 1200 HIVE 😮 That's over $500 dollars and already 1/3 of the total funding needed. So if anyome from Monero is reading this article, we are so greatful for your trust and support❤️


Monero support did not end there. Thanks to a true Monerian by the name of FiatDemise we found out about a Monero Talk Show called Monerotopia. We got advice to enter the show and talk about the project.

The time of the show was not so good for @minigunner cause it's his time with his familly. So he left a message for the speakers and hoped they would share the project with the viewers. By some dumb luck, @minigunner entered the show and was able to talk about the project and Hive. You can clearly see that he was not prepared 😅

Here is a 4 hour long Monero Talk Show but if you want to see the "Not prepared" speaker @minigunner talk then fast forward the video to 3:22:00

Also, so strange that a lot of people never even herd about Hive. Feels like #Crypto world has become so full that it is hard to stand out or Hive is Jewel yet to be found.

Big thank you to MoneroTalk for giving us the chance to talk about our project❤️

We still see new funds coming in from Monero every day and we are brainstorming how to give back to the community. Well, we got something very cool in mind so don't stop reading here 😉

We have an #Artist in #Venezuela who would like to help us with our project and since #MoneroChan is kind of the mascot of Monero we decided to paint her on the wall in the #Web3 Classroom.

Artist Instagram:

We can't go too crazy with IRS or FBI memes cause it's a school so we have to be very subtile. The picture idea is MoneroChan being a teacher who is standing in front of kids teaching about Monero. The artist want's to help but he can't do it for free. He will have travel, food, paint costs and don't forget spend lot's of time. We made a deal that he is going to paint all 4 walls for $200. What say you Monero?

Ofcourse we did not forget #Hive ❤️ Hive is the Beating Heart of this project. Without Hive we wouldn't be able to create self sustainability for the school. Once the Teachers and Students learn how to earn #rewards for posting good content on the blockchain it will change everything and create Social, Finantial and educational impact.


Hive Community

As always we get increddible support from #Hive communities. Wether it's by voting on our articles, rebloging them, sharing on X or any other #web2 social media, giving feedback, donating Hive , Curating and mutch more. Thank you for all your support ❤️

Yet again with the help of #OCD curation and @acidyo we are able to spread the word to more Hiavians and take another step closer to reaching our $1500 funding target.

Also a big thank you to @stickupboys for for curating our articles and for donating 50 HIVE.

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Also a big thank you to @melinda010100 and all the @ecency community for supporting and engaging. Thank you @hiq.magazine for curating our articles and supporting our project.

Thank you each and everyone for giving us the tools to create a better future ❤️


Here is a list of funding we got in total:

HBD = 541.916
HIVE = 200.813
HP = 142
HP Delegations = 1589

We sent 50 HIVE to @nahupuku so he has food for two days when visiting the school.

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This is also something we did not think about when calculating the funds. @nahupuku and @orimusic will be traveling to the school 2 or 3 times a week to teach the teachers and kids and also check the process of repairs and the progress of learning.

The idea to support them is simple. They will be posting a weekly article about the progress at school and anything related to school. With enough votes we can support them with travel costs and the costs for food. Roughly speaking that would be around 20 to 30 HBD per week.

What we have achieved so far is really great, but we still have a long road ahead of us. We were brainstorming how to generate more funding and came up with some ideas that we want to implement right away.


What are the next steps?

For some time now we tried to get in touch with @guiltyparties from @valueplan but we didn't get a response yet. We hope he is doing well, but we think it's because he is getting bombarder with Discord messages and will all that's happening regarding #Web3Dubai he is probobly overworked. We hoped we could get some kind of donation for prizes so we decided to use some of our funds for that.

1. School poster contest

This is going to be a very simple contest. We will be posting an Art competition on "Alien Art Hive (@hive-158694) where artist have to create a A3 size Poster about the School Art Contest. This poster will be the invitation for kids to enter the contest and win prizes. @nahupuku will go to a printshop, print it out and hang it in the school.

It's a shame that we have no prizes to give and hope that Artists on Hive will help us by entering this contest.

2. School Art contest

This is the main event of our project on Hive

Contest idea: The idea is for kids to paint or draw on a A4 size paper what they think Hive is when given them some information about Hive and and Hive Logo design.

The kids will have about a week time to deliver the finished painting or drawing to the teacher. Then, @nahupuku or @orimusic will take them all home to make good quality pictures. (It is too dangerous to photograph them at school cause expansive equipment may be stolen on the way to school or when going back home).

Then with the help of @juliakponsford and @NFTShowroom we are going to turn all those beutiful paintings and drawings to #NFT's and create a Gallery.

Hivians can then buy these #NFTs and this way support our project. Every single HIVE from the sold NFTs will go straight to the fund pot.

To make this contest more interesting we are going to give away prizes to the kids 😉

Image by katemangostar on Freepik

❤️How Can you help?

Want to be more involved in our projects? Join CBRS discord channel and let’s work together. Discord:

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Helping a school in Venezuela Week 2 Updates

This is a cross post of @cbrsphilanthropy/helping-a-school-in-venezuela-week-2-updates by @nahupuku.

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