I'm With You by Avril Lavigne cover

Hello everyone, welcome to Pukumundo week #68. For this week, I decided to do a song by a popular artist, "Avril Lavigne" titled I'm with You.

This song is very popular and it's very catchy. This was the first song I heard from Avril Lavigne, and I was blown away lol. I was pretty young when I heard this song for the first time, and ever since then, this song has been one of my favorite songs. Now I guess the reason why I loved this song so much was because it was released in the same year I was born lol. Just kidding😆
I especially love the name Avril and someday in the future, I'll give my daughter the same name😊.
This song talks about a girl who's lonely and depressed, trying to figure out life on her own hoping that one day, someone will find her, stay with her, and show her the beauty that life holds.
I hope you enjoyed my presentation🤗🥰 and thanks for stopping by❤
You Rock😉


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