PUKUMUNDO Music Fest "La Voz Cantante" # 65 - "The phantom of the opera" - Acapella @josueelinfame


Hola, mis amigos del PUKUMUNDO, esta semana 65 se viene con cambio de nombre. Ahora solo Music Fest "La Voz Cantante".

Siempre he adorado los musicales y esta versión de Nightwish, del Fantasma de la Opera, es simplemente gloriosa. Así que canto un pedazo de esta versión.

El fantasma de la ópera es alguien obsesionado por el control sobre Christine, el personaje femenino de la obra, el termina enamorado de ella, pero a su manera.

Una vez más anuncio que el inglés no es mi fuerte y hago lo que puedo, asi que no me crucifiquen tanto. hehe

Invito a todos unirse a esta dinámica semanal.

Hello, my friends from PUKUMUNDO, this week 65 comes with a change of name. Now only Music Fest "La Voz Cantante".

I've always loved musicals and this Nightwish version of the Phantom of the Opera is just glorious. So I sing a piece of this version.

The Phantom of the Opera is someone obsessed with control over Christine, the female character in the play, he ends up in love with her, but in his own way.

Once again I announce that English is not my forte and I do what I can, so don't crucify me so much. hehe

I invite everyone to join this weekly dynamic.



In sleep he sang to me
In dreams he came
That voice which calls to me
And speaks my name
And do I dream again?
For now I find
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside my mind
Sing once again with me
Our strange duet
My power over you
Grows stronger yet
And though you turn from me
To glance behind
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your mind
Those who have seen your face
Draw back in fear
I am the mask you wear
It's me they hear
Your/my spirit and your/my voice
In one combined
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your/my mind
He's there
The Phantom of the Opera
The Phantom of the Opera
In all your fantasies
You always knew
That man and mystery
Were both in you
And in this labyrinth
Where night is blind
The Phantom of the Opera is there
Inside your/my mind
Sing, my angel of music
He's there, the Phantom of the Opera


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