Singing Voice Week 18 PukuMundo | Anarkita (Cover) by @indonesiabersatu

Hello brothers and sisters, we are a punk rock band from Medan, Indonesia. Our band was formed in 2005 and still exists today. Today, in the PukuMundo community, we attend the weekly Singing Voice event which is held every week. Today has entered its 18th week. For us, the PukuMundo community is very cool because this community is specifically for Rock, Metal, and Punk music. So, we thank @nahupuku for creating this awesome community and also @orimusic as moderator.

Today we performed a cover of a punk rock band from Jakarta, namely Bunga Hitam with the title song ANARKITA. This song is about a hope that has been dead for a long time and will rise again. The hope is in the form of social peace in the community.

As we all know, the state of the world is not good. State rulers, capitalism, and militarism are the main causes of the chaos. They all compete for world power which results in social inequality, racism, and continuous oppression.

An anarchist ideology which we believe will bring us peace and also save the world from destruction is always rejected and banned in any country. Anarchism is an ideology that upholds the values of equality and egalitarianism. It is these values that make us embrace everything, not oppress based on power.

Lyrics of the song in Indonesian;

"Berkibarlah terus budaya tandingan
Legalisasi tangan-tangan perlawanan
Akan hak-hak yang telah lama terpendam
Terkubur dan akan segera terbangkitkan

Semangatlah yang pasti kita berikan
Dengan mimpi dan idealis kita mampu bertahan
Impian tuk mengusir congkaknya pemerintah
Terhapus sudah dari mimbar kebenaran

Berkibarlah anarkita, hembuskan angin sejuk perdamaian Budayakan anarkita, dengan senyuman raih kemenangan

Banyaknya ide dan karya yang kan terus mewarnai
Setiap posisi kosong yang lama terabaikan
Hingga terwujudnya suatu masa yang mulia
Yang akan menyelamatkan dunia dari kehancuran

Bertahan adalah suatu perlawanan
Cita-cita mulia tuk menuju perubahan
Ikuti terus aliran kehidupan
Sampai kau temukan pondasi untuk menyerang!

Dengan senyuman raih kebangkitan
Dengan senyuman raih kekuatan.
Dengan senyuman raih kemenangan
Dengan senyuman kita raih kebebasan!"

English translation lyrics;

"Keep on fluttering the counter culture
Legalization of the hands of a resistance
Of long-hidden rights
Buried and will soon be resurrected

The spirit that we definitely give
With dreams and ideals, we can survive
A dream to drive away from the arrogant government
Erased already from the pulpit of truth

Fly anarchy, breathe the cool breeze of peace Cultivate anarchy, with a smile win

Many ideas and works will continue to colour
Every long-neglected vacant position
Until the realization of a glorious time
Who will save the world from destruction

Survival is a fight
Noble ideals for change
Keep up with the flow of life
Until you find a base to attack!

With a smile reach the resurrection
With a smile gain strength.
With a smile win
With a smile we achieve freedom!"

Below are their original songs;

Maybe those are just some of the messages we can explain to you. Thank you for watching and listening to our original song. Greetings and brotherly greetings to all of us. May we all stay healthy and keep the spirit.

▶️ 3Speak

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