Singing Voice Week 39 - Jalanan (Acoustic Cover) by Indonesia Bersatu

Hello, brothers and sisters in Hive, especially in the #Pukumundo Community which was built by our brothers @nahupuku and @orimusic. Introducing, we are a punk rock band from Medan, Indonesia that will perform a cover of a song called Jalanan by Manifesto. First of all, I want to tell you all that our band has four members and today we are playing only three because our drummer is busy at work. So we only played acoustic for three people.

In this 39th week, we chose a song called Jalanan in English is Street. For us, the Streets are where we learn and struggle against the pains of life in the past. I come from a poor family in our city. Among the four of us, only Opan Gobank (our vocalist) has a decent and affluent life. But, he dared to take to the streets with us to go on a wild adventure on the streets to learn about such a harsh life.

When I was 10 years old, I had to sing and sometimes do stupid things to earn money so I could support my family's economy and pay my school fees. From the streets, I got a lot of lessons and experiences that don't make sense. Making a living on the streets is not as easy as others think. When I have spent all day collecting money on the streets, sometimes I have to confront a group of ruffians who want to take my money. not to mention, people who always look cynical and don't hesitate to spit in front of me. It was a bad past for me.

As a small child who had to struggle with the pains of life lawfully, I had to endure the pain of the beatings and beatings of adults just because they accused me of stealing someone's wallet who had just been pickpocketed. People who live on the streets are always seen as bad, evil, thieves, and other negative things. Although some of them are like that, not all of them. After all, they also steal to survive and to eat. Even though it was wrong, there was no other way.

Street life is not a collection of people who commit crimes every day, but people who are struggling against the harshness of life, many people think that they will not be able to achieve their dreams because of the limitations that exist. That's the wrong response. Some of my friends from the streets have had very decent lives. Those who are successful also help other street people by providing job opportunities and independent businesses. I was also one of the lucky ones because after graduating from school I worked in several companies outside the city. Even though I'm unemployed again, at least I can make money with work and music. Especially after I got to know the Hive Platform, I was able to fulfil my needs even though I didn't work with other people.

Indonesian Lyric

Jalanan adalah segalanya,
Tak kan pernah ku lupakan,
Jalanan adalah segalanya,
Tak kan pernah ku tinggalkan,

Jalanan oh jalanan
Tak kan pernah ku lupakan
Jalanan oh jalanan
Tak kan pernah ku tinggalkan

Jalanan adalah segalanya,
Tempat ku taruhkan harapan,
Jalanan adalah segalanya,
Tempatku gantung masa depan

English Lyric

The street is everything,
I will never forget,
The street is everything,
I will never leave,

Street oh street
I will never forget
Street oh street
I will never leave

The street is everything,
Where I put my hope,
The street is everything,
The place where I hang the future

The place where we shot this video is at a coffee shop owned by our friend @bayoecakra. This video was taken using Bayoe's cellphone camera. Usually, I edit before this video is published, but there are a few obstacles so I can't edit the video and sound. So this is a raw video with no editing process. That's all we can say, hope you like it and thank you. Peace to all of us.

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