Singing Voice Week 40 - Mereka yang Berdasi (Acoustic Cover) by Indonesia Bersatu

Hello, my friends and relatives in the Hive and PukuMundo Communities. We are grateful that we can participate again in the 40th week of singing voice which was built by Mr @nahupuku and Ms @orimusic. I know today is too late to upload our video. But actually, today's music video is for last Friday. But, I can't access 3speak, maybe because they are doing maintenance. Instead of not uploading at all, So I'm uploading today as a form of our efforts to admire this cool community.

In this 40th week, there are only three of us because our drummer is sick. The weather where I am currently is unstable, causing the flu to develop. Well, if during acoustics I play Cajon and Bass, then today I will appear as vocal. This is because our vocalist also had a cold which caused his throat to hurt. So, I had to replace him to sing. I'm sorry if my voice is not pleasant to hear.

Btw, we are bringing you a cover of a song entitled “Those with ties” in English by DesaLukaNegara. For the general public, no one knows this song, but in the punk community and student anarchist organizations, this song and band are always sung in a music gig or protest action. The band comes from the city of Tasik Malaya, Indonesia. This song was written by Yamin, a vocalist and also the founder of this band.

The song we are bringing today is a message to every listener that corruption in our country still exists and is still being maintained. In Indonesia, cases of corruption among state officials are common. Even though the perpetrators of corruption are already in prison, they can still serve in government and commit corruption again. Not only corruption but also collusion and nepotism.

Many people have spoken out against corruption and corruption, but incidents like this cannot be eliminated. That's because the law in Indonesia is still too weak, law enforcers are easily bribed so they can reduce the sentence. How could it not be, even to become law enforcers they have to bribe the people inside so they can get away with becoming law enforcers. The suspects in corruption cases also get VIP treatment in prison rooms. How obvious are the social inequality and caste differences here?

Many people who are neatly dressed and tied look very exclusive, dignified, and humble. But in reality, they are dirty bastards who steal people's money for their interests. Why do they stay calm if they are caught doing corruption? Because they know that there is no justice in this country. They will be treated well if they steal people's money for luxury. Conversely, people who steal chickens to eat will end up like disgusting dung. Treated arbitrarily and even severely punished.

Indonesian Lyric

Bukalah mata hatimu kawan
korupsi telah bangkit kembali
lahirkan generasi terkini
untuk menjajah negeri sendiri

Hukum tak seperti di negeri orang
keputusan hakim tak sembarang
yang salah tak selalu dibenarkan
budayakan jangan hilangkan

ku tau susah mengadili
karena ku tau teman sendiri
ku malu tatap negeri ini
karena korupsi telah mewabah lagi

telah kudengar jeritan lapar
hari ini dan kulihat sendiri
dan kupandangi ratapan anak kecil bernyanyi
berlari untuk menggapai segenggam mimpi

Mereka yang berpakaian rapi
dan mengandalkan profesi
mereka yang selalu berdasi
ternyata yang membodohi

English Lyric

Open your eyes my friend
corruption has risen again
give birth to the latest generation
to colonize their own country

The law is not like in other countries
the judge's decision is not arbitrary
what is wrong is not always justified
culture don't lose

I know it's hard to judge
because I know my own friend
I am ashamed to face this country
because corruption has become epidemic again

I have heard hungry screams
today and see for myself
and I watch the wailing children sing
running to reach a handful of dreams

Those who are neatly dressed
and rely on the profession
those who always tie
turns out to be a fool

The place where we shot this video is at a coffee shop owned by our friend @bayoecakra. This video was taken using Bayoe's cellphone camera. Usually, I edit before this video is published, but there are a few obstacles so I can't edit the video and sound. So this is a raw video with no editing process. That's all we can say, hope you like it and thank you. Peace to all of us.

▶️ 3Speak

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