(ENG/ESP) Singingvoice week #41- Sonnie Badu ''Open the floodgates" (cover) by @imaculate50

It's another week of the pukumundo, the singingvoice week 41, greetings to all music lovers and every participants.

Alots of contemplation on my mind on which song to present till I came out with one, for this week's singingvoice,I will be going for a song tittled "Open the floodgates" by Sonnie Badu.

This song really entails desire for more of more of God in every ramifications,either financially, spiritually, maritally, academically, physically and other ways we might need God.

I chose this song specifically because of my desire for Him day by day, as God's creature our first priority on earth is to desire more of Him,He who knows us and knows our future.


Es una semana más del pukumundo, la semana 41 de la voz cantante, saludos a todos los amantes de la música ya todos los participantes.

Mucha contemplación en mi mente sobre qué canción presentar hasta que encontré una, para la voz cantante de esta semana, elegiré una canción titulada "Open the floodgates" de Sonnie Badu.

Esta canción realmente implica el deseo de más de más de Dios en todas las ramificaciones, ya sea financiera, espiritual, marital, académica, física y otras formas en que podamos necesitar a Dios.

Elegí esta canción específicamente por mi deseo de Él día a día, como criatura de Dios nuestra primera prioridad en la tierra es desear más de Él, Él que nos conoce y conoce nuestro futuro.

Baba (Father), we're in Your
Presence, let it rain
Your rain, let it fall on
Me We're in Your presence
Let it rain
Oh, Your rain, let it fall
On me We're in Your presence
Let it rain
Oh, Your rain, let it fall
On me We're in Your presence
Let it rain
Oh, Your rain, let it fall
On me Open the floodgates in
Abundance and cause
Your rain to fall on me
(2x) Baba(father), we're in Your
Presence, let it rain
Pour Your rain, let it
Fall on me We're in Your presence
Let it rain
Oh, Your rain, let it fall
On me Open the floodgates in
Abundance and cause
Your rain to fall on me
Baba, open the
Floodgates in abundance
And cause Your rain to fall on me Baba o! Baba o! Baba o!
Baba o! (loop) Send you refreshing rain
Let it pour on us
Overflow on us
Hear our cry oh God
Let it rain (4x)
Let it rain, let it rain, Baba o! Baba o! Baba o! Everybody say Yeah, Yeah We're running dry, Oh
God (2x)
Send the revival
Send the rain oh God

lyrics source

Open the floodgates by Sonnie Badu

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