(ENG/ESP) Singingvoice week #44- Donnie McClurkin ''Create in me a clean heart" (cover) by @imaculat

it's another week of singingvoice voice, week 44, I welcome everyone to this week contest, I hope we are all having a great week and I wish everyone success ahead of next week.

I'm glad to see more and more people participate in pukumundo community weekly contest.

For this week I decided to sing a song by Donnie McClurkin, tittled ''create in me a clean heart''.
This song is a plead to God, for more of Him, only with a pure heart we can walk with God, God doesn't deal with any form of uncleanness and unrighteousness.

I could remember how I use to sing this song back then, Donnie McClurkin was one of my favorite so I know most of his songs.

I could remember how I taught our fellowship choir in varsity back then, it's a song that passes deep knowledge about wanting more of God.


es otra semana de voz cantante, semana 44, les doy la bienvenida a todos al concurso de esta semana, espero que todos estemos teniendo una gran semana y les deseo éxito a todos antes de la próxima semana.

Me alegra ver que cada vez más personas participan en el concurso semanal de la comunidad de pukumundo.

Para esta semana decidí cantar una canción de Donnie McClurkin, titulada ''crea en mí un corazón limpio''.
Esta canción es una súplica a Dios, por más de Él, solo con un corazón puro podemos caminar con Dios, Dios no trata con ninguna forma de impureza e injusticia.

Puedo recordar cómo solía cantar esta canción en ese entonces, Donnie McClurkin era uno de mis favoritos, así que conozco la mayoría de sus canciones.

Puedo recordar cómo le enseñé a nuestro coro de compañerismo en el equipo universitario en ese entonces, es una canción que transmite un conocimiento profundo sobre querer más de Dios.


Create in me a clean heart
And purify me, purify me
Create in me a clean heart
So I may worship Thee, everybody say it

Create in me a clean heart
And purify me, purify me
Create in me a clean heart
So I may worship Thee
Say it now, say it now

Create in me a clean heart
And purify me, purify me
Create in me a clean heart
So I may worship Thee

Cast me not away from thy presence
Please don't take your spirit from me
And restore the joy of salvation
So that I may worship Thee
Please Lord God

Create in me a clean heart
And purify me, purify me
Create in me a clean heart
So I may worship Thee

Cast me not away from thy presence
Please don't take your spirit from me
And restore the joy of salvation
So that I may worship Thee

Create in me a clean heart
And purify me, purify me
Create in me a clean heart
So I may worship Thee

Create in me a clean heart
And purify me, purify me
Create in me a clean heart
So I may worship Thee
So I may worship Thee
So that I may worship Thee
So that I may worship Thee
So that I may worship Thee

lyrics source

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