La Voz Cantante #32: AFI - 17 Crimes (cover) | @hanselmusic


¡Hola amigos de PukuMundo! Aquí con las pilas recargadas para compartir música en esta comunidad. He venido planeando mi horario de Hive y entre ello se encuentra participar cada semana en La Voz Cantante.

Para la semana #32 vengo con una versión acústica de la canción "17 Crimes" de la banda AFI. Es una banda que me gusta mucho, y a incursionado en diferentes estilos del punk, desde el hardcore punk hasta algo más pop punk como esta canción.

Escuché una versión acústica de la canción y me gustó como la interpretó la banda, por eso decidí hacerla también de esta manera. La voz de Davey Havok es muy versátil y puede llegar a buenos rangos. Esta aunque no es que sea tan fácil para mi rango, la pude hacer sin tener que forzar tanto la voz.

Gracias por escuchar y pasar por aquí.



Hello friends of PukuMundo! Here with the batteries recharged to share music in this community. I have been planning my Hive schedule and among it is participating every week in La Voz Cantante.

For week #32 I come with an acoustic version of the song "17 Crimes" by the band AFI. It's a band that I really like, and it's dabbled in different styles of punk, from hardcore punk to something more pop punk like this song.

I heard an acoustic version of the song and I liked how the band performed it, so I decided to do it this way too. Davey Havok's voice is very versatile and can reach good ranges. Although this is not that easy for my range, I was able to do it without having to force my voice so much.

Thanks for listening!


If you had a day would you give me a moment?
Would you allow our play to leave no bone unbroken?

Let's love like seventeen
I'm in love with poisoning
Only bring your pretty frightful gifts to me
Lets love and kill like seventeen now

If I wasn't so cold
We couldn't freeze this moment.
And as we won't grow old
We'll leave no heart unbroken

Let's love like seventeen
I'm in love with poisoning
Only bring your pretty frightful gifts to me
Lets love and kill like seventeen now
Tomorrow cannot be like this
And even though it's such a sin they will...

Tomorrow cannot be like this
Tomorrow they will take us in
We'll leave no heart unbroken

Let's love like seventeen
I'm in love with your new screams
Only bring those pretty frightful things to me
Let's love and kill like seventeen now
Let's run and kill like seventeen now
Lets love and kill like seventeen

AFI - 17 Crimes



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