La voz cantante WEEK #61 / The Crow, The Owl And The Dove / Cover (Español/Ingles)


Un saludo amistoso queridos Hivers, una vez más me complace estar con ustedes rockeando en la semana número 61 de Pukumundo. Sé que lo he dicho en otras ocasiones pero esta es una de mis comunidades favoritas, pues además de hacer una de las cosas que ms amor, que es tocar guitarra, también disfruto viendo y escuchando las entradas de un montón de gente muy talentosa y dedicada, que cada semana construyen juntos esta comunidad maravillosa.

Esta vez les traigo mi interpretación de la introducción de “The Crow, The Owl And The Dove” una canción de la banda finesa Nightwish. Tal como lo he dicho en ocasiones pasadas, esta es una de mis bandas favoritas, la conocí estando muy joven y mientras más vieja me pongo me gusta más, así que siento que esta banda ha crecido conmigo. A pesar de las polémicas que se generaron a partir de la separación de Nightwish y su primera vocalista Tarja Turunen, que sin duda era una diosa; a mí me ha gustado mucho el trabajo de Nightwish después de ese gran cambio, de hecho muchas canciones compuestas después de la separación e interpretadas por Anette Olzon se han convertido en mis favoritas.

“The Crow, The Owl And The Dove” es una de esas canciones de las que les hablo. Fue publicada en el año 2011 en el álbum “Imaginaerum” y está interpretada por la voz de Anette Olzon. La letra de este tema es impresionante, como muchas de las canciones de Nightwish se basa en esa búsqueda interna, en el autoreconocimiento y la conexión profunda con la belleza de todo lo que nos rodea.

Como dije al inicio esta es una breve interpretación de la introducción de este tema, pero yo lo he disfrutado mucho y espero que a ustedes les guste también. Les dejo acá abajo la letra y la canción original, porque se las recomiendo. Un pukuabrazo, hasta la proxima.


Don't give me love
Don't give me faith
Wisdom nor pride
Give innocence instead

Don't give me love
I've had my share
Beauty nor rest
Give me truth instead

A crow flew to me
Kept its distance
Such a proud creation
I saw its soul, envied its pride
But needed nothing it had

An owl came to me
Old and wise
Pierced right through my youth
I learned its ways, envied its sense
But needed nothing it had

Don't give me love
Don't give me faith
Wisdom nor pride
Give innocence instead

Don't give me love
I've had my share
Beauty nor rest
Give me truth instead

A dove came to me
Had no fear
It rested on my arm
I touched its calm, envied its love
But needed nothing it had

A swan of white she came to me
The lake mirrored her beauty sweet
I kissed her neck, adored her grace
But needed nothing she could give

Got to grieve her
Got to wreck it.


Contenido original del autor.
Fotos propias desde mi Tableta ZTE E10Q
Traducido con
Todos los derechos reservados || @aly.squid// 2023

The Singing Voice WEEK #61 / The Crow, The Owl And The Dove / Cover (English/Spanish)


A friendly greeting dear Hivers, once again I am pleased to be with you rocking out in week number 61 of Pukumundo. I know I've said it before but this is one of my favorite communities, because besides doing one of the things I love the most, which is playing guitar, I also enjoy watching and listening to the entries of a lot of very talented and dedicated people, who every week build together this wonderful community.

This time I bring you my interpretation of the intro to "The Crow, The Owl And The Dove" a song by the Finnish band Nightwish. As I have said in the past, this is one of my favorite bands, I met them when I was very young and the older I get the more I like them, so I feel that this band has grown up with me. Despite the controversies that were generated from the split of Nightwish and their first vocalist Tarja Turunen, who was undoubtedly a goddess; I have really liked the work of Nightwish after that big change, in fact many songs composed after the split and performed by Anette Olzon have become my favorites.

"The Crow, The Owl And The Dove" is one of those songs I'm telling you about. It was released in 2011 on the album "Imaginaerum" and is performed by the voice of Anette Olzon. The lyrics of this song are impressive, like many of Nightwish's songs it is based on that inner search, on self-recognition and deep connection with the beauty of everything around us.

As I said at the beginning this is a brief interpretation of the introduction of this song, but I have enjoyed it very much and I hope you like it too. I leave here below the lyrics and the original song, because I recommend it to you. A pukuabrazo, see you next time.


Don't give me love
Don't give me faith
Wisdom nor pride
Give innocence instead

Don't give me love
I've had my share
Beauty nor rest
Give me truth instead

A crow flew to me
Kept its distance
Such a proud creation
I saw its soul, envied its pride
But needed nothing it had

An owl came to me
Old and wise
Pierced right through my youth
I learned its ways, envied its sense
But needed nothing it had

Don't give me love
Don't give me faith
Wisdom nor pride
Give innocence instead

Don't give me love
I've had my share
Beauty nor rest
Give me truth instead

A dove came to me
Had no fear
It rested on my arm
I touched its calm, envied its love
But needed nothing it had

A swan of white she came to me
The lake mirrored her beauty sweet
I kissed her neck, adored her grace
But needed nothing she could give

Got to grieve her
Got to wreck it.


Original content by the author.
Own photos from my ZTE E10Q Tablet.
Translated with
All rights reserved || @aly.squid// 2023

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