One day !

Waking up on the wrong side of bed, feeling weak and sick, I struggled to get out of bed to gaze at the bright sky. Then, I heard a loud voice, like someone crying. At first, I ignored it, but the persistent shouting compelled me to investigate and see what happened. I peered through my fence to see where the commotion was coming from and was shocked to see a crowd of people in front of my house.

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"What could have happened?" I asked myself, carrying my weak body outside to join the crowd. As I approached, I saw people crying and asked what was wrong. The next thing I heard shock me: "Their mummy died."

"Whose mummy?" I thought, still trying to process the news. How could this be? I saw Mummy Glo just last Sunday when I returned from church. Tears began to roll in my eyes as I struggled to comprehend the loss.

"As I looked around, I noticed people saying, 'Won ti gbe oku de' ('They have not bring the dead'). I felt a pain in my heart as they referred to Mummy Glo as 'oku' (dead body). Why the sudden change in name? It felt too sudden.

"I wanted to scream out loud and say, 'Can you please stop calling her that?' But I couldn't, because that is the reality. Mum Glo has now turned to oku, just like that. Within a few hours, they had started digging the ground. Are you saying she won't be able to enter this house again? She walked out of her room with her feet, now they won't take her in again, but underground instead.

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"Are you saying those beautiful dresses, neatly placed inside her wardrobe, she won't be able to wear it again? Those fine shoes on her shoe rack, she won't be able to wear it wear ? OMG, just like that, gone forever.

"Your one day is coming, one day, whether we like it or not. When that day comes, where will you live afterward?
Hinduism believes we will be born again in another place to start a new life. I laughed in Korea.

But there is a true and real-life story of a man who came 2024 years ago. He was killed for the sins of the whole world. That man made a promise to prepare a place for us after our life here on earth. His name is JESUS, but that is for whosoever accepted Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

"This man promised to save them from second death, which is Hell, and bring them to a place of peace after the one day. You need that man because of that one day.
That one day you won't be able to enter that your beautiful and organized room again. That one day you won't be able to wear those beautiful shoes and dress again. That one day that your love ones will be scared to move closer to you. That one day you won't have the chance to say goodbye.
One day! One day!! One day!!! Where will you live after that one day?"

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Jesus is real , come to him today, so that your eternity will be secure.
No one knows when the one day will come.

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