Jehovah, Our God of Salvation

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How happy, One will be when he is free from prison because of untrue and debased allegations. Our sinful nature enslave us and makes it hard for us to worship our heavenly father, Jehovah God. How happy we are to be free!

Originally, God create humans to be perfect and free moral agent that can decide freely to worship him. With all his provision and care, we supposed to praise and worship him alone. Rev Chap 4:11 concluded with words that proved that humans existence and survival is based absolutely on God's will and his right to be praised and worship.

Humans fell out of his glory and standpoint when they choose to pleased themselves with the forbidden fruit despite the abundance of goodness. They sinned with the help of the deceiver. Our first parents enslaved themselves and humanity inherited this flaws from them.

Romans chapter 5:12 showed how serious the sinful state can lead. Everyone can die because of the sinful tendencies, we inherited. Death remains the greatest enemy of humans. It cut short the lives on various occasions with practically every reason. In these situations, we lack hope and live like animals but God's plan is to accept human back and restore their well-being.

Psalm 51:5 confirmed the fact that everyone is a sinner. So there's a need to restore our relationship with God back and enjoy his goodness. Due to their love, Jehovah God and Jesus, his son provides himself as a ransom sacrifice to remove the shackles of the sin and restore our rightful standing with God. It was not easy for them. But they really want to enrich us with good relationships with God.

Adam was a perfect being with powers to enlarge humanity but they failed worst. Since a perfect being is lost, another perfect being will be needed. Jesus as the perfect with no sin was offered as a ransom sacrifice. This rightful position really show us how best, they can recognize humanity.

James chapter 4:4 shows that effort is needed to have good relationships with God. We absorb more nutrients to keep growing. Also, Accepting our very original, we are enjoy the goodness and relationships with him. After confessing on their and repent, we are struggling to be of good assistance to us.

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