Boot Camp For The Last Days by Randy Maxwell - Book Review

"Knowing and identifying the beasts of Revelation does absolutely nothing for you, if you don't know Jesus..."

This is how 'Boot Camp for the Last Days' started out. And it kind of took me by surprise.

Here's why. A good chunk of the books that I read from a Seventh Day Adventist angle, have to do with....The last days and prophecy. And rightfully so, the books of Daniel and Revelation are very important in today's day and age. But with the title of this book, I thought it was going to be deep prophecy and deep end times messages.

And while it did hit on it a lot, the big take away from this...Jesus is what matters. And if we don't have a relationship with Him, nothing else matters.

That's something I can get behind :)

This was a fantastic book to read and it might even be classified as a sharing book because it clocks in at only 96 pages. And the best part about it was how each chapter built on the last. So chapter 2, built and enlarged the points from chapter 1 and so on...

Obviously, this book is geared towards people of faith however I thought it was so well written that anyone could pick it up and enjoy it. This is actually the second book from Randy Maxwell I have read recently, and I have to say...He's quickly becoming one of my favorite Christian authors. The previous book I read from him was 'If My People Pray' and that was quite enjoyable.

Getting back to Boot Camp, what also makes this book so cool to read is the actual action steps that are at the end of each chapter.

I can't begin to describe how much I love these kind of features in books. Not only in religious books, but every kind of personal growth or business book as well. Because here's the truth....Reading is absolutely useless, if you dont put this stuff into action.

It's just like faith to me as well. If I'm not living this stuff, what's the point. And here in lies the beauty of books like this...I get a great mesage and then get some tips and tricks to put it into action as well.

Overall, this was a fantastic little book. Easy to digest, some great action steps after each chapter and of course, focus on our relationship with our Lord and Savior. Can't ask for much better than that :)

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