A Soldier Who Need Not To Be Afraid

Good day. I hope you are good today. Happy Sunday to you all.
Today I want to share with you what l learned from this bible verse Ephesians 6:11-17
The Armours of God are simply the help that God gives to us.
Verse 6(easy to read version) says, Use all the help that God gives to us. Then you can be like a soldier who fights against the Devil.

You must put on the whole armour that God gives to you. The Devil attacks us in clever ways, and we need to be strong. For one to succeed as a soldier, one need to master the use the amours.
God has not left us in the hands of the mercy of the wicked ones and devils. God has given us enough, plenty and sufficient amours to fight back and have continuous victory and dominion over our enemies.

One great lesson From the reading today is that, as a child of God, one is not given the Armour of God to just sit down but to use it and fight because we are in the world that is full of battles and these battles are not to be fought with Ak 47 or missle. It is a spiritual, we are not whistling against flesh and blood but rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness etc.
Use all the help God has given to you today.
You can only put on what you know and what you are familiar with.
You put your life at risk in these ongoing battles against wicked men and devils if you don’t know, and Master the use of the ARMOURS God has provided for your advantage.
Here are the ARMOURS you need to know and Master.

Loins of truth, Breastplate of righteousness, Your feet shod with the Gospel of peace. The shield of faith, Helmet of salvation, The sword of the Spirit and


These ARMOURS give you the ability to both effectively defend yourself and attack the enemy and put them where they belong. May you always have the commanding victory always.

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