Secret of Christian victory

Hello wonderful people in this community i hope we had a wonderful and successful day.

I wish to share with us the lesson i learned from my Bible study today.


Some Secret of Christian victory i studied today in our Bible study meeting.

1 We should never serve idols

This means that anything that compete itself with God in our lives is an idol. We can see this in Daniel 3:12-18. The three Hebrew children were conscious not to bow to any other God no matter the consequences. This gave them a super victory.

2 We should flee from all appearance of sin:

This means we should be intentional about holiness, we should flee from all appearance of evil. Genesis 39:7-9 and most importantly always remember that the devil dies not respect the years of your Christianity he tempt anyone at anytime.

3 We should not as Christians join the world to mock any man of God.

This means that where they do in the of God, God will deal with them the he Dem fit so work on your on salvation because on the last day we will all stand before the Almighty and answer for ourselves whether good or bad.

4 Learn to support the work of God.

As Christian we should support God's work here on earth and do it willingly not grudgingly for God loveth a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7.

5 We should learn to totally depend on God:

As Christian we should understand that life is a journey its smooth and rough so total dependent on God side will make much more easy. 1 chronicles 16:1-9 and 1 Peter 2:11-25.

These are few points learn to i hope i will also be of help or a reminder to someone else.
Thank you for reading my post and remain blessed.

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