Possessing A Pure Heart Always

Today I bring you New Month greetings and a happy workers day. Someone will say but am not working as such? Anything one does to earn a living is work in that one always need some time out to fix things up and also relax the body. Work does not finish.

For today, I will talk a little about purity

Staying Pure is not a days job because it is sin we are all conceived according to the Psalmist. You wonder why a Little babe will intentionally bite the mothers nipple then look at her and smile, then when you spank him a little, he relieves it.

Ps.51.7 - Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.

The passage above was the Psalmist prayer to God. David committed a grievous sin but as his character was, he always ask for God's mercy and he gets it. As children of God He expects that we trust in his mercy on a daily basis.

All this we will not be able to do on our own but through the help of the holy spirit. Ask Jesus for help always and you will never be stranded in life. Have a mind that is free from bitterness and envy because this is one thing that drives the holy spirit far from a life.

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