God Will Perfect What He Has Started In Your Life

I think sometimes God will allow things to stop or slow things down in our lives that we're at accelerated speeds just to see if we'll still keep the same faith, the same consistency before we begin to see the fruit of the miracle.


If I'm being transparent, I'm in a season right now where I'm seeing the fruit of what God promised me, but now it feels like it's going backwards and I'm terrified.

What happens when you're in a season where you're finally seeing the prayers being answered that you've been praying for so long and now it feels like as soon as you got it, it's being taken away from you?

It got to the point where I almost even wanted to blame God for taking it back from me as if he was the one that gave it to me and has the power to sustain it.

I realized today that my faith became attached to the resource and the answer prayer more than it was attached to the God who gave it to me. I found that every time that I allowed my faith to become rooted in the resource and not the source, whenever I felt like I was losing that relationship, that money, that platform, whatever, I felt like I was losing it.

He who has begun a great work in you is faithful to perform it. He's going to finish what he started in you.

Lay not on your own understanding.

Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and his righteousness, not the platform, not the relationship, not the money, not everything else.

Seek first him, Matthew 6:33, and all these things will be added unto you.

He knows what I need before I even ask.

Keep your mind stayed on him and he will keep you in perfect peace. His word is literally telling me how to approach the situation and I'm in real with you.

I don't feel like hearing all that, but it's still a choice that I've got to make. Whether I feel like it or not, the word doesn't change because it is the truth.

Will I still serve you? Will I still dedicate my life to you? Will I still surrender it to you?

Even if I'm not getting what I want from it. And that shows you where your world is.

I showed you where you're going to go.

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