Seeing a quick answers to your prayers anytime you pray then you don't have to end your prayers without carrying out some necessary things.


If you can condition yourself to feel the way you will feel when the answer comes, you are fast tracking the answers to prayers already. I'm not talking about feeling your joy after the answer has come, I am saying intentionally feel the joy of the answer in the prayers.

The Bible said in Mark 11: 24

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

When praying for something, you have to take the posture like you have received it. Satan is always aware of this, that is why sometimes when believers pray, after the prayer meeting he will always want to bring doubt to your heart. And when that doubt sets in, the answer may not come again.

As a believer you have to guard your feelings. Never leave a room for any thoughts of impossiblities, because with God all things are possible.

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