BIBLE STUDY: God's Wisdom Is The Highest


1 Corinthians 2:6-16,

Paul contrasts the wisdom of God with the wisdom of the world.

He emphasizes that the wisdom of God is revealed through the Spirit to those who are spiritually mature.

This wisdom is hidden from the rulers of this age, who are blinded by their worldly understanding.

However, those who have the Spirit of God can discern and understand this wisdom because they have the mind of Christ. Seek God's wisdom

Spiritual growth:

Strive for spiritual maturity by nurturing a deeper relationship with God.

As we grow in intimacy with Him, reveal his wisdom to us through his Spirit. Paul highlights the indispensable role of the Holy Spirit in revealing God's wisdom to believers.

Without the Spirit, we cannot comprehend the deep things of God because they are spiritually discerned. However, those who have the Spirit are given the mind of Christ, enabling them to grasp and understand spiritual truths, dependency on the Holy Spirit, rely on the Holy Spirit for guidance, understanding, and revelation of God's truth.

Instead of relying solely on human wisdom, seek the wisdom that comes from God through prayer, meditation on Scripture, and seeking guidance from the Holy Spirit.


Develop discernment to distinguish between worldly wisdom and godly wisdom.

Test all teachings and advice:

Test all teachings and advice against the principles and truths found in the Bible. Recognize that true wisdom comes from God and acknowledge our limitations.

Cultivate humility by surrendering our intellect and understanding to God, trusting in His wisdom above our own.

Stay Blessed.

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