Hike #3: Monte Colombina (Italy)


Bergamo has been on my radar for a long time. This city, belonging to the Italian region Lombardy, is quite easy to reach. Every other airlines offers flights there. So, why not to start an adventure there? Though I must admit that Bergamo was not my main destination, it was rather interchange station for some more appealing outdoor adventure. Then let us leave the city by bus (why bother with a car if local buses operate there every now and then) and head east, specifically to the lovely called town ❤️Lovere❤️ by the beautiful lake Iseo where the hike begins.
Lovere by the Lake Iseo.

The lake is circled by the tourist trail called Sentiero agrituristico del Lago d'Iseo which we connect to after we climb from Lovere. For some time of our route, the road is made out of these round stones. Not good for marching, on the other hand though, one admires what effort they must have put into it.
How the man-made road looks like. What a hard work behind!

First panorama emerges from the bush, while still following the marked tourist trail. Mind the rooster on the left.
Rooster on the larboard.

That way is town Pisogne, and some nice mountains too, perhaps worth conquering some other time?
View of town Pisogne.

The lake, among other things, accommodates the largest lake island in Europe, Monte Isola. It is partly visible in this picture. We visited the island too. Perhaps it could be subject of some next post?
A bath on the starboard.

We are passing by this bigger feather on a wall which I have no clue what it is supposed to represent 😃😃:-)
Going by this feather.

After a couple of hours of climbing, we are getting closer to the top of the mountain.
View of a peak on the opposite side.

What a lovely wooden window, still not the summit though.
What a window!

At last, there it is. After defeating the final, steep tip of the peak, we are welcomed by this stunning cross, Croce del Colombina.
Croce del Colombina.

Now the reward. Spectacular panoramas which we enjoy for some time.

Double cross.
Double cross.

This way is Europe! It is also the longed-for top of the mountain, Monte Colombina (1458m a.s.l), some 300m away from the cross.
Monte Colombina.

Whipped by the wind, we have to descent in a bit. "I am gonna miss the views”, I remember her noting that with a bit of sadness in tone of her voice.
”I am gonna miss the views”, I remember her note :-D

Lovere. Back home in one piece before it gets dark. Success!

Here some facts about the journey. Ascent is kind of steeper, you have to climb some 1250m of altitude. This obviously takes some time. Ordinary individuals make it in roughly 5-6 hours. On the other hand, it's way easier to go down. You can make it in ~2.5 hours. Overall length of the journey is around 20km.

This was the hike to Monte Colombina. All the slog was definitely worth it. We were enchanted by the superb views of the pure nature.

My big ❤️ goes to the glorious Lake Iseo and surrounding mountains, ideal for hiking! I wish we did some hiking there soon.

I hope you enjoyed reading this photo report from last spring. It usually takes me some time to process photos from trips we made 😊😊😊😊😊😊

See you on the trail ;-)

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