Monomad: Medieval castle - Celje

Hello to all black and white Hive fans. Today I will share with you some details from another medieval castle, Celje Castle, Slovenia. This is the biggest medieval castle is Slovenia and is set majestically atop a rocky outcrop overlooking the city of Celje, Slovenia. It has the magnificent Celje Castle. With its origins dating back to the 13th century, this formidable fortress holds a significant place in Slovenian history and stands as a testament to the region's rich cultural heritage.


Originally constructed by the Counts of Celje, one of the most influential noble families in medieval Slovenia, the castle underwent several expansions and renovations over the centuries, evolving from a modest fortification to a grand residence fit for nobility. Its strategic location along important trade routes contributed to its importance as a center of power and commerce in the region.


Today, Celje Castle stands as a captivating historical landmark and a popular tourist destination, offering visitors a glimpse into Slovenia's medieval past. Visitors can explore its well-preserved fortifications, towers, and courtyards, each echoing with the whispers of bygone eras. The castle also houses a museum, where artifacts and exhibits chronicle its rich history, providing insight into the lives of its former inhabitants and the tumultuous events that unfolded within its walls.



Just like any castle, this has also its rumors, myths and legends. This one is my favorite. It is a rumor about the old castle treasure. Over a century ago, a courageous laborer resided in a humble cottage beneath the shadows of the castle. One fateful evening, on his journey homeward, he encountered a peculiar figure, tall and robust, perched upon a cart not far from the castle's entrance. "What business brings you here, and where is your destination?" the laborer inquired. Yet, met with silence, he reached out to grasp the driver's arm, only to find it stuffed with straw. Startled, he hastily retreated and sought refuge with a neighbor in a nearby dwelling.

Scarcely had he departed when the phantom driver lashed his whip with such force that it seemed to conjure thunder from the heavens. Upon the laborer's return, the mysterious figure had vanished into the night. What cargo did the enigmatic driver carry? Rumors swirled that it was the wealth of the Counts of Celje.


Had the laborer but held fast to the spectral arm a moment longer, waiting for the stroke of midnight as legend foretold, the fortune might have been his to claim. Alas, time slipped away, and the opportunity faded into the shadows of regret.



Well that's it for today's topic. Thank you very much for your attention and support. Without you, my camera would rest in the corner. See you next time with another theme.
Stay blessed


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