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Kroz crno i belo 🖤☪♞♟️ Through black and white

Neponovljive, uvek zagarantovana lepota crno-bele fotografije. Nekada su samo takve i postojale. Retkost je kada neko ima fotografije svojih predaka. Stare fotografije su uvek imale neku mistiku. Kao da ljudi i predmeti nisu sa ovog sveta. Čudni, vanvremenski. Ja nemam fotografije predaka, ali ću vam pokazati moje crno-bele fotografije sa OVOG sveta. 😁

Unique, always guaranteed beauty of black and white photography. They used to be the only ones that existed. It is rare for someone to have photos of their ancestors. Old photographs have always had some mystique. As if people and objects are not of this world. Strange, timeless. I don't have photos of my ancestors, but I will show you my black and white photos from THIS world. 😁


Prvu fotografiju ne mogu drugačije da zamislim nego u dve osnovne “boje”. Šah. Sa zadovoljstvom sam zauzela mesto Kraljice!😁😉

I can't imagine the first photo differently than in two basic "colors". Chess. I took the place of the Queen with pleasure! ”


Ovaj pas nije moj. Srela sam ga u nekoj šetnji. Pogledajte taj izraz lica? Osvojio bi srce svakoga. ❤️ Zlatni retriver. Pas koji najviše voli decu. Divan i plemenit. Često ima ulogu kao terapijski pas. Puštaju ih u sobe bolesne dece. Kažu da su ovi psi lekoviti za decu. Statistika govori o tome koliko deca brže ozdrave. Divno i dirljivo.🦮👫

This dog is not mine. I met him on a walk. See that facial expression? He would win everyone's heart. ❤️ Golden Retriever. A dog that loves children the most. Lovely and noble. He often has a role as a therapy dog. They let them into the rooms of sick children. They say that these dogs are healing for children. Statistics show how much faster children recover. Wonderful and touching


Zagledana u stopala. Odsjaj sunca u moru. Meditativno. Ne treba puno pričati i ovoj fotografiji. Uživala sam svakako dok sam ležala na toplom pesku. 🌤🌊

Staring at her feet. The reflection of the sun in the sea. Meditatively. No need to talk much about this photo either. I certainly enjoyed lying on the warm sand. 🌤🌊




Zgrade, kuće, razni objekti izgledaju moćno u crno-beloj fotografiji. Ivice, linije, detalji, senke, lakše je izraziti sa crnom i belom.
Grane izgledaju kao mreža. U kombinaciji još bolje.

Buildings, houses, various objects look powerful in black and white photography. Edges, lines, details, shadows, it is easier to express with black and white.
The branches look like a net. Combined even better.


Biljka na plaži. Izgleda osušeno ali nije. Takva je vrsta. Uporno izdržava na jakom Suncu. Simboliše jake ličnosti koje se bore u životu, neodustaju.

A plant on the beach. It looks dry but it's not. That's the kind of thing. Persevere in the strong sun. It symbolizes strong personalities who fight in life, do not give up.


Minimalizam. Novogodišnje lampice kroz moje oči. Nežno, lagano, krhko, lepo. Mogla bih je gledati satima.

Minimalism. Christmas lights through my eyes. Gentle, light, fragile, beautiful. I could watch her for hours.


Parfem i cvet. Kao naslov neke Rok pesme. Simbol ženstvenosti, elegancije, finoće, bogatstva, mode.
Fotografija je nastala u momentu kada sam krenula u izlazak, stavila sam kap parfema i ostavila ga na stočiću. Delićem oka zapazila sam zanimljiv sadržaj za fotografiju. Uslikah. 📷

Perfume and color. As the title of a Rock song. A symbol of femininity, elegance, finesse, wealth, fashion.
The photo was taken the moment I went out, I put a drop of perfume and left it on the table. With a split eye, I noticed interesting content for the photo. I took pictures. 📷

Sanjajte lepo! 💫✨🌙

Dream beautiful! 💫✨🌙

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.

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