Crno-beli momenti urezani u vremenu! 🤍𓆩♡𓆪🖤 Black and white moments engraved in time!

Obožavam crno-bele fotografije!
Neke fotografije su mnogo lepše kada nemaju boju. Za cveće je potrebna boja, ali kada želimo da naglasimo liniju arhikteture, emociju, kompoziciju onda je boja suvišna. Evo nekih moji omiljenih koje sam uslikala na letovanju:

I love black and white photos!
Some photos are much nicer when they have no color. Flowers need color, but when we want to emphasize the line of architecture, emotion, composition, then color is superfluous. Here are some of my favorites I took on vacation:


Na orvoj fotografiji sam bila u poseti kod prijatelja koji imaju puno životinja. Meni se konj najviše dopao! Snažna životinja, sjajna griva, krupna i mišićava, izmamila mi je osmeh u druženju tog dana. 😊🐎

In this photo, I was visiting friends who have a lot of animals. I liked the horse the most! Strong animals, great mane, big and muscular, made me smile in the company that day. 😊🐎


Druga fotografija nosi ime “Vreme”.
Šetali smo po buvljaku gde je bilo raznih predmeta, mojoj tada maloj devojčici, sat je jako privukao pažju. Zabeležila sam taj momenat.

The second photo is called "Time".
We walked around the flea market where there were various objects, my little girl at the time, the clock attracted a lot of attention. I noticed that moment.


Ova treća fotografija sa decom mi je favorit. Dok sam se igrala sa mojom ćerkicom, mala crnkinja nam se pridruźila i ulepšala dan novim poznanstvom! ❤️

This third photo with children is my favorite. While I was playing with my daughter, a little black girl joined us and brightened the day with a new acquaintance! ❤️


Na četvrtoj fotografiji vas sve posmatram kroz svoj crno-beli durbin! 😆😉
Ražite inspiraciju svakih daba, budite kreativni, fotografišite i volite svoj crno-beli svet! 😍

In the fourth photo, I see you all through my black and white binoculars! 😆😉
Rise the inspiration of every oak, be creative, take photos and love your black and white world! 😍

Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolanka.

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