Moje omiljene. Iz različitih gradova, priča, emocija.
Svaka je obeležila poseban trenutak.
My favorites. From different cities, stories, emotions.
Each marked a special moment.
Na prvoj fotografiji je zabeležen je dan apsolutne zime. Izuzetno hladan. U povratku do kuće, uslikala sam detalj gvozdene ograde koja odvaja katedralu od ulice. Bezbroj pahuljica su se zalepile oko ove umetnički izvajane ograde koja krasi put kojim svakodnevno prolazim.
Na sledećoj. . .
The first photo shows the day of the absolute winter. Extremely cold. On the way back to the house, I photographed a detail of the iron fence that separates the cathedral from the street. Countless snowflakes have stuck around this artistically sculpted fence that adorns the path I walk every day.
On the next one. . .
Uplakani prozor. Simboliše razdvajanje i odricanje od nečeg lepog i važnog zbog duhovnog odrastanja.
Crying window. It symbolizes separation and renunciation of something beautiful and important due to spiritual growth.
Jesenji otpali list drveta u ulici glavnog grada Srbije, Beograda. Umesto ogromnih zgrada, velikih objekata specifičnih za velike gradove, meni je u šetnji koja je trajala satima, pažnju privukao mali prozor zapušten i nezapažen od većine prolaznika. Ja sam u njemu videla čitavu kompoziciju. Kao nedovršena slika koju je slučajni prolaznik pažnjom mogao oźiveti. Taj slučajni svedok njegove lepote, bila sam ja.
Autumn fallen leaf of a tree in the street of the capital of Serbia, Belgrade. Instead of huge buildings, large buildings specific to big cities, a small window, neglected and unnoticed by most passers-by, caught my attention during a walk that lasted for hours. I saw the whole composition in it. As an unfinished image that a casual passer-by could bring to life with attention. That accidental witness to his beauty, it was me.
U povratku, pored auto puta, na desetine dzinova koji se okreću i prave vetar. Njihovo visočanstvo- vetrenjače. 🌪 Nemi posmatrači automobila koji prolaze pored njih kao pčelice, a vetrenjače dostojanstveno trpe dan ne očekujući ništa za njihov plemeniti posao.
On the way back, next to the highway, dozens of giants are turning and making the wind. Their Majesty - windmills. 🌪 Silent car watchers who pass by them like bees, and windmills suffer with dignity during the day, expecting nothing for their noble work.
Maslačci. To izuzetno cveće. Ovo je njihova faza koju deca najviše vole, da ih primaknu usnama i oduvaju pahuljastu i mekanu glavu na stotinu strana. Deca i maslačci.
Dandelions. Those extraordinary flowers. This is their phase that children love the most, to bring them closer to their lips and blow their fluffy and soft heads on a hundred sides. Children and dandelions.
Dok sam šetala po brdu jedne zime, paźnju mi je privukao komad leda. Jednim zumom od njega sam napravila morsku priču. Morski valovi koji se pene i zapljuskuju stene.Jer leto volim više. 🌊
As I was walking up the hill one winter, a piece of ice caught my eye. With one zoom I made a sea story out of him. Sea waves that foam and splash the rocks. Because I prefer summer. 🌊
Čekajući nekoga, ptičica mi je pravila društvo i ispričala važne dogadjaje iz komšiluka. Pokusala sam da je nahranim komadućem sendviča ali nije bila zainteresovana. Odletela je.
While waiting for someone, the bird kept me company and told me about important events in the neighborhood. I tried to feed her a piece of sandwich but she wasn’t interested. She flew away.
Lepo spavajte i sanjajte crno/belo. Zašto ne?
Sleep well and dream of black / white. Why not?
Pozdrav od Anke vregolanke.
Greetings from Anka vregolanka.