Anton, era su nombre | Desafío MONOMAD / Anton, was his name | MONOMAD Challenge [Esp/Eng]


Cuando le tomé esta fotografía, recién nos estábamos conociendo. Anton era un amiguito que estaba llegando a casa en contra de su voluntad. Venía de una familia integrada por mamá, papá, un niño y él, hasta que mamá y papá se enteraron que vendría un nuevo integrante y decidieron que por el bien del embarazo lo mejor era que Anton estuviera con otra familia. Como no querían dejarlo tan lejos buscaron una familia cerca de la urbanización para que el niño, que ya estaba muy encariñado con él, pudiera visitarlo. Así fue como nos conocimos.

Nuestra relación fue un poco tensa al principio porque Anton venía con el corazón roto, no entendía quiénes éramos y por qué ya no estaba en casa con su familia. No se despegó de la puerta desde que mamá y papá lo dejaron en la que sería de ahí en adelante su nueva casa. Yo traté de no acercarme tanto para darle su espacio y que él no se sintiera amenazado. Solo le dejaba agua y comida mientras su mirada reflejaba una profunda tristeza. Poco a poco fue sintiendo la libertad de caminar por la casa. Cruzamos miradas por un rato hasta que le lancé un juguete y saltó para buscarlo. Poco a poco nos fuimos acercando y mi presencia ya no le hacía sentir nervios. Sin embargo aunque se sentía en confianza, en las tardes se acostaba afuera cerca de la puerta con aquella mirada de quién se mantiene esperando. Ahí estaba él y yo a su lado queriendo abrazarle el alma. Su vida cambió tan de prisa, su nueva familia le agradaba, pero estaba un poco arisco con dar mucho afecto.

Pasaron algunas semanas y Anton recibió una visita inesperada. No hubo necesidad de que sonara el timbre cuando él ya estaba en la puerta llorando. Era su amigo, el único que peleó para que no se fuera de la casa. El que estaba con él desde muy pequeño lo fue a visitar. Lloraron, rieron, saltaron de alegría y luego fueron a caminar. Anton regresó a casa contento, sus ojos tenían un brillo especial que de alguna manera me generaba mucha tranquilidad. Pasaron días y recibió visita dos veces más esa semana hasta que días después, mamá y papá llegaron con el niño para informarnos que querían que Anton regresara con ellos. El niño no dejaba de llorar y sentían su ausencia en casa. Por su puesto que ese fue mi último día con Anton. En el poco tiempo que estuvimos juntos, fuimos muy bueno amigos, me hacía sentir especial, era con quién más cercanía tenía. Así que le dije: “Nos vemos luego, amigo” y me despedí de él. Me alegra saber que el niño luchó por su amigo hasta que logró que regresara. Si me preguntan que pienso de la amistad verdadera diría que estaba ahí, en el valor de aquél niño defendiendo a su perro.


When I took this picture of him, we were just getting to know each other. Anton was a little friend who was coming home against his will. He came from a family made up of mom, dad, a boy and him, until mom and dad found out that a new member was coming and decided that for the sake of the pregnancy it was best for Anton to be with another family. As they did not want to leave him so far away, they looked for a family near the urbanization so that the boy, who was already very fond of him, could visit him. That is how we met.

Our relationship was a bit strained at first because Anton came with a broken heart, he didn't understand who we were and why he was no longer at home with his family. He didn't leave the door since mom and dad dropped him off at what would be from then on his new home. I tried not to get too close to give him his space so he wouldn't feel threatened. I only left him water and food while his eyes reflected a deep sadness. Little by little he felt free to walk around the house. We exchanged glances for a while until I threw him a toy and he jumped up to look for it. Little by little we got closer and my presence no longer made him feel nervous. However, even though he felt confident, in the afternoons he would lie outside near the door with that look of someone who keeps waiting. There he was and I was by his side wanting to embrace his soul. His life changed so quickly, his new family liked him, but he was a little reluctant to give much affection.

A few weeks passed and Anton received an unexpected visit. There was no need for the doorbell to ring when he was already at the door crying. It was his friend, the one who fought to keep him from leaving the house. The one who had been with him since he was very little went to visit him. They cried, laughed, jumped for joy and then went for a walk. Anton returned home happy, his eyes had a special sparkle in them that somehow gave me a lot of peace of mind. Days went by and he was visited twice more that week until a few days later, mom and dad arrived with the boy to inform us that they wanted Anton to come back with them. The child would not stop crying and they felt his absence at home. Of course that was my last day with Anton. In the short time we were together, we were very good friends, he made me feel special, he was the one I was closest to. So I said, "See you later, buddy" and said goodbye to him. I'm glad to know that the boy fought for his friend until he got him to come back. If you ask me what I think of true friendship I would say it was there, in the courage of that boy defending his dog.


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