No Fishing / Storm Coming - Monomad Challenge

Hail to the Hive!

I am enjoying the week off on the Cornish coast and Storm Agnes coming is making it more enjoyable rather than less. The wind, sea and sky have a brooding energy to them that makes everything feel so much more dramatic. After months of nigh shift work the fresh sea air fills my lungs and blows the cobwebs from my mind. I’m feeling refreshed and stimulated. This was a good idea to come no matter the weather.


The angry seas and blustery wind are invigorating and make for much better photography opportunities in my humble opinion and I plan to take every opportunity and make the most of it as for weeks I have been starved of any creative outlet.


As everyone was focused on taking shots of the angry waves crashing against the shore ( which I also did ) I peeled off and snapped away at all the fishermens gear that was neatly tied up and hanging out in a wonderfully orderly manner.


Clearly whoever did his has much expertise and probably years of knowledge. It’s an art in and of itself and deserves a little showcasing here on the #hive blockchain and of course lends itself beautifully to monochrome.


The storm is making landfall soon but it won’t keep us from being out and about and I’m smiling 🙂 at the opportunities that await me here. Cornwall is a beautiful place and even when it’s moody and angry I actually think it’s more beautiful in a very powerful way.


I wonder what the fishermen are up to though.

Love a bit of #monomad 😜



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