Field of (electric) Dreams - Monomad Challenge

Hail to the Hive!

Yesterday it raine. It pretty much rained all day preventing me from doing the things I had planned to do and I was getting a little despondent. I hate that feeling and I have to try and refocus my mind on positive things. Thankfully there was a break in the rain and I fled the boat and got ' out and about' for a bit. I took many pictures on the way and was generally lost in my own thoughts. I captured some nice shots of a lock for yesterdays #monomad and had a wander around this field that had a huge electricity pylon slap bang in the middle of it.


Looking up at it triggered thoughts and memories of my childhood laying on the grass staring at the pylons. In those days my mind would dream of far away places and even planets and be lost in a myriad of childhood fantasy thoughts.

These days my mind does similar things if I am honest but as I now have many years of travel and adventure under my belt my dreams and fanrasies are rooted in practicaliries and of how I could and can get things done to reach my goals. I still allow my mind to wander far down the road of dreams and possibilities for certain ideas. I have found that doing this triggers other ideas and realisations that I may have previously not thought of.


I have always done my best thinking while walking and I actually do talk to myself so to the casual observer ( who I may not have noticed) I would appear to be completely mad.


So today my mind was filled with boat possibilities and of the things I need to get done, want to get done and wish I could do. As always I am faced with many dilemmas and some of the hard realities of being back in the UK have hit home and some realities of being back are most welcome. But we have decisions to make. It feels like we have reached a fork in the road as it were and need to decide which way to proceed.

So I wander and ponder in this field of dreams with electricity flowing over my head and think. Think about what to do.


Love a bit of #monomad 😜



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