Ancient Architecture - Monomad Challenge

Hail to the Hive!

It doesn’t matter how long you stare at them or how much you read about them yiu just can’t help but wonder and ask yourself’ how in the fuck did they manage to build these fucking things?’ I mean really they have no idea really, not a scooby doo.


I read an article where they found some accounts of the rough process but no specifics on how they actually moved the millions of heavy stone blocks into place. And certainly no mention of how they did it all with such astounding precision.


It makes me wonder if the knowledge to do things like this was lost all thise thousands of years ago, what else was forgotten over time? What else did they know that we no longer know about.


For me the Pyramids bring up a lot of unanswered questions about the very fabric of our existence and how we may have wandered off in a direction that leads us further from some fundamental knowledge that just might be very useful.


It is no wonder that they are the onjects of such fascination. I wonder what secrets they have yet to reveal?

Love a bit of #monomad 😜



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