My First post on Black and White - My cat love

This is my first post on the black and White community, and it is all about cats in my life. Generally, I love colors and I find it difficult to answer when someone asks me my favorite color, however, once I got to know about this community I wanted to try to see things from this lens. I felt a little easy to do this today as most of the cats I had were black and white :)

The moment I opened the cat folder on my phone, it gave me a big smile as the first photo was a black cat. I was thinking to post it as it is as she is black :). But for sure will follow the rules of this community.


Most of the people in our place generally do not like cats as many myths are connected to cats. Having a black cat is a big deal. Many people used to ask me if I do black magic. However some parts of country people keep cats.

d94020a7-cd53-45e1-8e69-2111c7707545.jpgMicio - she found me in 2012

How did my journey start with cats? I went for my evening walk near by my home and a very small kitten suddenly came very near so many dogs were after her and many children also. I picked her in my arms and wanted to drop her in a safe place, however, I was not very sure where to leave her. I brought her home and that is how till now whenever I find them I keep them till they need protection, once they grow they leave the house, or sometimes people adopt them.


There was a time when I used to have 5 cats at home and 3 or 4 from the street used to come for food every day, I used to live on the top floor, one very big banyan tree branch was near my balcony, and due to 3 side open balcony they just come home, eat and leave whenever they want.


Sunday was all about them for baths, and taking them to the doctor for vaccination, or just all of us together sleeping. I love the sound cats make when they are happy. I have learned how to treat them when they are sick. It is very hard to manage when cats get sick, they just do not drink water which causes them dehydration.


After having affection with cats I have read about them more, I read about Egypt mythology and watched many videos on cats' moods and sounds related to that.


I also got to know some cats were with me very shy, and some were in depression due to the incident that happened to them. many of them just do not allow any of my friends to touch them except me.


So far I think more than 40 cats have shared some part of life with me since 2012. and I am grateful for it.


I was very happy and excited when last year I visited Stone town in Zanzibar, Tanzania. I have met so many cats there, relaxing, walking, and asking for food.


Most people think I am a cat person, or that is how sometimes we define ourselves, but I love calf (young cow), it always takes all of my attention.

Thank you for stopping by.

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